Now down to business. Marie of Wild Rose nominated me for the Rockin' Girl Blogger award.
Thank you Marie I am honoured.
As I did not know what this award signified I suggested to Marie that I could just make up my own!!! However I got a little more organised than that and found the originator of the award through Google. Here is what she said: Someone who you feel is:
Inspirational, Funny, Kind, Sweet.
Well I hope that is the case.
You can find everyone on my sidebar
So I forward this on to 5 others:
Maddy's Glass House
Tales from Pixie Wood
Susie's Space
Jeannie's Bliss Blog
From Under the Maple
Congratulations! Well earned award, Barbara :-)
Congrats on your award and thank you so much for paying it forward to me!
Your sunset photo is truly gorgeous :)
Thanks so very much for thinking of me and Congratulations my Sweet friend.
I love you dearly.
Congratulations Barbara and thank you for for thinking of me as a "rocking girl" woooo hooooo!
Your sunset was amazing, very beautiful.
I just found you via Willow House! Congrats on the award! I'll be back to read your blog regularly.
Congratulations!! I think that this is a wonderful award for a wonderful rockin' girl!!!
I know England has had too much rain this summer but don't clouds make incredible sunsets? I love them.
A well-deserved award for you Barbara....Congrats!
Now thats what I call a beautiful sunset. Great photo !!! Congratulations on winning the award.
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