Hope you all had a very Happy Easter time. I had my family over for the day on Easter Sunday. We tried to get Oliver to sleep in the travel cot but I think it was his Mummy who succumbed in the end.
Mummy just sent me a comment to say "Has anyone noticed the clump of hair in O's hand which he uses to pull every so often to ensure that Mummy does not get to sleep. Can click on this whole sentence to get to Janie's blog. Something strange happening with the link!

So, into the garden instead where Oliver enjoyed his Grandma's lounger far more than his travel cot.

Out in the garden the fish were enjoying the sunshine. If you look carefully you can see small black shadows. These are baby fish - there are dozens and dozens of them. We have just taken the net off the top so are hoping the fish will be safe. The tadpoles are a wriggling mass. After removing the Winter net last year a Heron came and reduced the fish population from about 60 to about 12. These fish breed so well that without the Heron it would be vastly overcrowded so perhaps nature knows best in the end.

Arrum Lillies in the pond are beginning to flower too but do need some tidying up.

Took a photo of the Red Robin again just to show how different it looks in the evening light. So different to how it looks in the sun. I prefer the evening colour I think.

Thank you to all my blogging friends for the good wishes received over the Easter period.
What a darling little grandbaby! Imagine his delight over the fish next year! I can imagine the squeals now!
I left you some tips on your previous post, as well.
What people may fail to notice is that O's little hands are wrapped around Mummy's hair...which he pulls every so often just to make sure Mummy is still awake!
Bless him.
Hi Barbara,
I enjoy reading your blog. I especially love looking at the "tea vignettes" you put together - in particular with all the lovely embroidered tea cloths and table linens. Did you embroider them yourself?
(you visited my website www.lorrieorr.com some time ago - I now have a blog to do with homemaking and crafts as well)
Oliver is darling. And looks so perfect in the garden setting. What a wonderful place to come visit for him. He will be quite adept at taking care of things - fish and flowers and the like. I love it that you can teach him to appreciate all of that. Enjoy!
that was a cute photo of baby and mmmy - think it happens to me sometimes, me falling alseep before him. Peter from potraitofpeter.blogspot.com needs some advice on what books to buy about gardening. Can you help?
Just today I've found your blog by visiting Yahweh's Retreat.
I will certainly be back to visit in depth. We seem to have much in commom. My husband and I will be married 47 years in June. We live in the country and enjoy gardening, our fish pool and grandchildren. My husband is a minister.
If you have the opportunity to drop by my blog, you will be most welcome....
Betty and Country Charm
Barbara, it's me again. I came back to do some additional reading and read about your fish being eaten by the Heron. We had the same incident last spring. We had big fish that we hand fed and one morning discovered a large Heron had eaten them. We were devastated. We've just taken our net off and hope the trees have leafed out enough to add cover.
Thank you for visiting with me....
A wonderful post with such delightful photo's too.
Blessings to you Barbara.
Precious darling photographs and your grandangel is adorable.
Thanks for all you share.
Love Jeanne
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