Such beautiful colours, but only in contrast with the green. Imagine if all leaves, trees and shrubs were red, We would never be able to relax in that environment. God certainly knew what he was doing in giving us green for the predominant colour of nature.
Barbara, I was reading your profile and realized we have much in common. I will be 64 on the 27th of this month. I have been married 45 years this past March 18th. I have 5 children, 4 boys and 1 girl. 20 grandchildren and 4 great grand children. My husband and I met was engaged the next month and was married 3 months later. so it is really nice to meet you. I saw a comment you made on another blog and came over to meet you. You are welcome to come visit me anytime. The main thing I believe we have in common is our relationship with the Lord. I also came to belong to Him when I was 11 years old. He is my life. connie from Texas
Barbara, Isn't our Lord so gracious to us? He gives us seasons of change with the beautiful colors and variance of weather....How grateful we should be as His children....
Barbara, I was reading your profile and realized we have much in common. I will be 64 on the 27th of this month. I have been married 45 years this past March 18th. I have 5 children, 4 boys and 1 girl. 20 grandchildren and 4 great grand children. My husband and I met was engaged the next month and was married 3 months later. so it is really nice to meet you. I saw a comment you made on another blog and came over to meet you. You are welcome to come visit me anytime. The main thing I believe we have in common is our relationship with the Lord. I also came to belong to Him when I was 11 years old. He is my life. connie from Texas
Barbara, this looks more like a fire bush than a smoke bush :) Beautiful and vibrant. You are right ... not so relaxing.
Barbara, Isn't our Lord so gracious to us? He gives us seasons of change with the beautiful colors and variance of weather....How grateful we should be as His children....
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