The joy of books. These two were delivered today. "My Life on a Hillside Allotment" by Terry Walton should be an interesting read. For the uninitiated an allotment is a piece of land that is rented for the sole purpose of growing produce for the family. It is not a commercial venture. We used to have an allotment here locally and got much pleasure from it and enjoyed an abundance of soft fruit and vegetables for our own use and to give away to friends. However the time came when caring for it became too much, plus the endless preparation and freezing of produce. So, I think this book will be interesting and nostalgic.
"Speaking to the Heart" by Sister Wendy Beckett is a collection of 100 poems of wonder, love, sorrow, laughter, longing, prayer and hope that speak directly to the heart. Need I say more.
Adding to the hundreds of books that I possess already. I love having a library to delve into and often wonder if I will ever get to the end of my collection in my lifetime.
Hopefully I am not being too presumptious in adding your blog to my favorite links....I do especially enjoy reading your postings and think others would also..
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Hopefully I am not being too presumptious in adding your blog to my favorite links....I do especially enjoy reading your postings and think others would also..
Thanks for the visit.....
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