8 months old

It all began in 1938, well maybe before that when my parents first met at a George Jeffreys’ tent campaign. George Jeffrey was a leading evangelist in the early part of the last century. My parents married on Christmas Eve 1937 and I arrived very prematurely, weighing only 4 lb in November 1938. Four pounds sounds nothing these days, but back then survival was not so certain. I spent the first month of my life in an incubator, bathed only in Olive oil as my skin was too delicate for water.
I don’t know how long it will take me to write this story or how detailed it will be, I will just add as I feel inspired. It is not intended to be an ego trip. I have no regrets or blame for the difficult times, just gratitude for the wonderful times and thankfulness to a God who can and does, redeem everything. He knows the beginning from the end and His constant abiding and faithfulness just blows my mind. He will finish what He has begun and He does know what He is doing. He created the universe and then created us to manifest Himself in it.
As I recount my journey from birth, through the second world war, a dysfunctional family life, teenage years, family illness, suicide, marriage, a life on the ocean with my husband. Working years, anxiety & depression, various ministries, travel, and now husband’s retirement and birth of first grandchild, I hope to convey some of the awesomeness and constancy of God in my life. How He can put together and use the broken pots in whatever way He sees fit.
I remember being at a conference in North Carolina when a friend, on beginning the sharing of her testimony said, “I don’t like my story, I wish it was nicer, but then I realised that if that were so, it would not be my story” I have always remembered those words. Our stories are our stories. All different, but they are what makes us who we are today. So thank you Pat, they were words of wisdom.
"Our stories are our stories. All different, but they are what makes us who we are today." Amen! They are all so different and yet all so similar. I'm glad you're beginning to tell yours. :o)
And everybody has a story ... that's for sure.
Oh I need to sit next to you for the Bloglines thing. All I can tell you is that you need to visit the blog you love, copy the URL, then open up your bloglines account and click "add". A page will come up to the right to "subscribe". Paste that individual URL on the line for subscribe, then travel down the page to click subscribe or done or something. On the bottom. Then you have to go to the next blog and copy that URL and do the same thing for each blog you want to subscribe to.
If you have already done that then the only thing I can say is that you just have to sign into bloglines every day and the list of your favorite blogs should be on the left. If not, you may need to click on the folder and they will all drop down. It is probably a folder that says "top folder" or something like that. Unless you created a separate folder for the blogs. The blogs that have something new should be darker in print, so that they are highlighted so to speak. Just click on that blog title, and a new page will open up on the right. Click on the title of the blog and it will come up into its own page.
I hope that is what you wanted to know. If not, I apologize for giving you a step by step you did not need. I don't know what else to tell you. Perhaps just click around and try new things and see if you can figure it out. That is what I do. I am not a reader of directions. I am a hands on kind of gal.
Barbara, I am looking forward to reading 'your story'. Maybe someday I will begin to tell mine.
I am so thankful to our Heavenly Father that he takes us as we are and makes us useful vessels in His service. He does indeed know the end with the beginning and 'none can say what doest thou or stay His hand.'
Thank you for visiting with me and taking the time to comment....
Hi Barbara, I am looking forward to reading your story and reading of God's faithfulness in your life!
thanks for sharing - you at 8 months? cute!
I can't wait to hear all of your story!
I'm new to your blog (through Penless thoughts) and have enjoyed looking at your great photos and reading different posts. I enjoyed your first installment of "My Story" and will look forward to reading more. Blessings, Diane
I went back to read all your posts so I would know you better now that I do, I am so glad to meet you. My name is connie from the Gulf Coast of Texas. connie fromTexas
Barbara,I have not been a part of your blog from it's begininng. But, I have faithfully read it since I've begun. I have been wanting to sit down and read the "My Story" section of your blog from begininng to end. That is what I am going to start today. 1-18.. all of it. I have been so blessed by the parts of your "My Story", that I have read. Time to start from the start of it.
I don't like my story either. Thanks for those words. I have learned from my story and though I would love to change some things, they have given me the opportunity to be better or bitter. I choose better.
I'm off now on a journey into your story.
I have started and will add 'My story' to my 'Fall into Reading Challenge 2010' and will read a few chapters of your story each day.
I love reading and hearing peoples stories and how they became the people they are today. I've just completed my degree in Pastoral Care and Psychology and for dissertation my title 'What are the perceptions of spirituality held by older people within one residential complex?' It was purely amazing just to listen to peoples stories and their perceptions of spirituality.
I shall enjoy reading your story and getting to know you better!! take care, lots of love, Judith
Barbara, I just came across your blog and look forward to reading your story and getting to know you through it. Thanks so much for sharing:)
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