Wednesday 23 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving USA

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American blogging buddies

I bought this Thanksgiving table runner about 17 years ago when driving through the mountains travelling from
 Gatlinburg in Tennessee to North Carolina
and have often thought to use it as a greeting
Have a great day


Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

Thank you!
That looks just like a page from my grade school history book!

Vee said...

Oh it is perfect, Barbara! And, for a few seconds, I thought I was in Diane's blog. Do you have it set out and everything or how do you use it?

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes. Your table runner is just beautiful. No matter where we are it seems there is always much to be thankful for.

Kay G. said...

Did you drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway? I think I remember waving at you! ;-)
Thank you for the Happy Thanksgiving wishes. I love the table runner!

HOPE said...

How very kind of you...thank you!

AND...we give thanks for the many lovely trips you take us on!!!

I always enjoy "OUR" ventures together.

God bless you with happy days

Midwest to Midlands said...

I like that runner, so colorful. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes. Hope you have a nice day too.

Balisha said...

Thankyou Barbara...What a pretty runner. I've never seen anything like it..

Cheri said...

I know it's not Thanksgiving there but you have a wonderful day also!

Needled Mom said...

What a great runner! You need to celebrate Thanksgiving now.

c. Joy said...

Thank you. Does England have a holiday like our Thanksgiving? Hope you have a great week.

Willow said...

Thanks, Barbara! Greetings to you and Alan from The Professor and me!

nikkipolani said...

Thank you, Barbara -- and for sharing your very pretty table runner!

Come Away With Me said...

It's a beautiful Thanksgiving runner, so very evocative of our early history over here on this side of the Atlantic. Thank you for the special greetings! Wishing you and Alan a wonderful day, too, and weekend.

Trisha said...

Thank you Barbara, we had a wonderful and Blessed Thanksgiving, hope You and Alan did as well. The table runner is great! Blessings.

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Thank You Barbara!

Hope you will have a great week end.

Tracy :)