Thursday 18 March 2010

Spring is in the Air with Cards Galore

The garden has dried out and no longer are my beds and borders under water. As soon as it's dry it does not take long for Spring to show it's face.

The roses are pruned

But certainly lots of hard work still to do before the shrubs are transformed to their vibrant Summer colour

The Dogwood stems look pretty lying on the lawn but I cannot leave them there

There's colour indoors too with Orchids flowering into their 3rd and 4th year

Then there is lots of card making - Friends getting married

Babies being born

And lots of birthdays


Deanna said...

Dearest Barbara,
I am thrilled that Spring is getting so close! So ready to see the beautiful flowers in bloom and smell the fragrances in the air.

I hope to take lots of walks this Spring.

Your pictures are lovely and the flowers are so pretty.

Enjoy seeing your nice cards that you have created.

God bless,

Susan said...

Always enjoy seeing your beautiful cards.

Elizabethd said...

What beautiful cards, so very professional.
I've been cutting back my Cornus also, though I always feel it looks so bare.

Anonymous said...

Lovely card making Barbara. Isn't it lovely to finally see Spring coming. It's been Winter for far too long. The local daffodil show only had half the number of daffs this year, so it's definately been a late Spring.

I love crocuses too.

melissa said...

My goodness, your garden is absolutely beautiful. I love it! :) And your cards as, you've been busy!

Vee said...

Looks as if you're all ready for any occasion that could possibly come up! The garden looks as ready as can be and the orchids...oh my!

Lorrie said...

You've been busy making cards - and they are beautiful. Your crocuses look so cheery against the brown dirt - soon the shrubs will be in full leaf.


Patsy said...

So glad you dried out in your garden, all will be beautiful in no time.
You have been busy with your art of card making and they are very good. Happy Spring

Come Away With Me said...

You've been very busy, Barbara! And productive too. It's good to see some gorgeous color bursting forth from the earth in your garden.

talesfromagarden said...

Hi Barbara,
Your cards are magnificent! Well done.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thank you for all the beautiful pictures of the blooms over your way. They are just wonderful to look at. Nothing like that at my house for sure. Your cards are lovely too!

Nancie said...

Wow, the cards are so beautiful, Barbara! You are truly very creative. I love to make cards too but they are not as nice as yours :)

The orchids are so beautiful too. Thanks for sharing with us. Thanks for your visit too. Take care and have a very blessed weekend!

Warm regards,

a woman who is said...

You must have a lot of friends :)

I wish you would tell me your secret for growing those orchids? I am so jealous. They are just stunning. I have one little first year sitting on my mantle. I have tried and failed supremely at keeping them alive after they bloom.

Your garden is shaping up. I have just gotten finished with my spring clean up and perennial dividing and rotation. Day lilies are hard to divide I found out:]

*Ulrike* said...

You have been busy! We are having warm weather today and tomorrow so I will be busy outside too. Things need cleaning up after our crazy winter.
Love the cards!

Samantha said...

These cards are beautiful! I should sit around and do something so creative and productive - to feel as if the day has been full.

Needled Mom said...

Your cards are just wonderful! You do such a beautiful job on them.

And.....the crocus!!!! Beautiful. It won't be long before the garden will be in full bloom.

Balisha said...

I wish that I had better luck with orchids. Yours are stunning. I really enjoyed the pictures of your beautiful cards. What a talented lady you are...

La Petite Gallery said...

You have really made some very nice cards,lovely.
I have a 5 year old orchard it won't bloom.. I love orchards, had them in the yard in Florida.
Maine is harder.


Charm and Grace said...

Lovely, lovely cards and such beauty already in your yard!! Your creativity amazes me!


Susan said...

Your cards are so nice! Your friends are lucky to receive them.

Love your garden. It must have beauty year round.

Thank you for sharing,

zetor said...

Your cards are beautiful and so are your flowers.

Naturegirl said...

Barbara such vibrant colors indoors with all your gorgeous orchids!!
You have such wonderful Spring blooms outside too! Yes isn't Spring just the best!!!Happiness to you!

Beth said...

Lovely crocus and orchids! The cards are really nice! Have a great weekend!

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...


I love the flowers and my favorite color--purple. The cards are beautiful and whoever receives one in the mail is very lucky.

Have a good week!

Tracy :)

Kate said...

Beautiful crocus - I love the blue ones, and your cards are lovely too - maybe you should take orders!!

p.s. finding it hard to comment Barbara - has something changed on your site?

Mike's Travels said...

Stunning flower shots Barbara!!

Willow said...

Beautiful cards, Barbara! And the garden is already beginning to look like its beautiful self.

Linda said...

Isn't it great to see flowers that herald spring? It makes me happy to know that warm weather is going to arrive.

myletterstoemily said...

dear barbara,

i am thrilled to find your blog
via vee!

it is lovely and enchanting here.

your garden took my breath
