I was at Pilgrims Hall yesterday
A Christian Recource Centre that I am involved with
It's lambing time so I wanted to show you these new babies
Unfortunately this year a Rotweiller dog got into the fields and worried the pregnant sheep
causing abnomalities and death in some of the lambs
catch them still
Enjoyed your pictures as always.
"Unfortunately this year a Rotweiller dog got into the fields and worried the pregnant sheep
causing abnomalities and death in some of the lambs" When I read this I immediately thought what an apt description of sin and what it does to our life.
The lambs are beautiful, and call me nutty, but I think the chickens and rooster are too. Those reddish strawberry blonde feathers, especially in the sun, are so pretty. Those lambs are precious. How much does a lamb like you are holding weigh, one that is just born? The picture of that shepherd and sheep dog really got to me. The care and compassion comes right through that photo. What a picture of God's constant love and care for us. So you mind if I try to print that out and frame it?
Barbara, you certainly look as if you're in your element there! The lambs are beyond adorable. Hope that all will be well now that the Rotweiller is gone. That's so sad that that happened.
You're so blessed to have access to wonderful fresh eggs, too!
Barbara, I love your photos always...especially of you holding the lambs.
The little lambs are so darling. I do hope the little runt gets some extra loving (and food). We have raised our own chickens and the free range eggs are so much better than those you find at the store.
Ahh the little lambs are so sweet and it is pretty great how the sheepdog is keeping watch...
I love new little lambs too. Nothing sweeter.
Lovely photos Barbara. I bet that was a lovely day out.
Oh Barbara, if my two cats were sheep, they'd look like your fourth photo of the black and white lambs!
Oh wonderful, what a perfect day out, your so fortunate to have held the baby lamb. I hope the little runt survives, he's tiny!
Me and hubby went to a farm this time last year and saw baby lambs just hours old, absolutely facinating!
I love the lambs! That photo of you holdign one is great, Barbara. I must go down to the river where I used to walk with my border collie and see if the lambs are about too.
I can see those are definitely Jacob's "spotted, streaked and speckled" sheep! The lambs are precious, a bit bigger than I imagined they might be...what is that mother nibbling on - a salt lick or a piece of coconut?
And how cute the sheepdog has his eyes trained on the back legs of those little lambs....making sure they don't get away!
The chickens do look happy and healthy...lucky you to get those lovely eggs.
How sweet and precious indeed.
Hi Barbara...I am fairly new to the world of blogging and by good fortune have found your lovely blog a few weeks ago...I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed your sweet baby lambs..the feature that enlarges the picture has practically put me right there with you...What a wonderful experience...I wish all God's blessings for you and yours...
I love your blog. Thank you for sharing this.
These are just the most lovely pictures!!! They are so much appreciated!
Nice photos. Thanks for sharing. Have nice weekend.
Cute lambs...and the more I see chickens, the more I want some.
Love Jane
Hi dear Barbara,
The baby lambs are so cute! Here on the close by fields we have new borns as well, so sweet to see them. :)
Hope you have a great weekend!
Take care.
Greetings Barbara.
I loved all the pictures of the lambs.
One of my dreams is to live on a little farm and have a donkey, 2 sheep and some chickens.
What a beautiful photo essay.
What beautiful pictures. I especially love seeing the shepherd caring for his little lamb. A nice picture to remind us of the Good Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ :)
Have a great weekend!
I enjoyed my visit to Pilgrams Hall. What a lovely place. I enjoyed the pictures.I really wish everything I eat could be fresh or free range.Have a great weekend. You look so good in the pictures.
A friend. Lisa
I LOVE those pictures. The lambs are so cute, I would love to hold one like you are. What a fun day!
The pictures of the lambs brought back so many sweet memories of our lambs when we had a flock of sheep....the lambs were such a blessing....
I don't think I've ever mentioned that you and my friend from first grade look so much alike....you and Jackie look more alike than she and her sister......Betty
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