Saturday 12 November 2016

Local Park Throughout the Year

I was walking through the park to the shops the other day and as I saw that the leaves were beginning to fall I thought of the many pictures I had taken throughout the year on my phone showing the different seasons.
So here are some of them.

Above a very frosty one

Spring is in the Air

The good old all season Dogwood

then Summer takes a hold

The wild flower meadow

I liked the different coloured grasses here

and we are back to Autumn

It always fascinates me - the different sunsets at different times of year as the light changes

This one was taken this week
I feel so blessed being able to walk to the shops through this park and it is almost at the top of my road


Come Away With Me said...

You have collected many moments of beauty, all gifts from God in that wonderful park almost at the top of your street. And I feel blessed to have walked around it one afternoon with you in person way back in June of 2009!

Lorrie said...

There is beauty in all seasons, isn't there? I enjoy watching the cycle of the year in Nature - it's hopeful and a testament of God's faithfulness. Beautiful photos of the park you get to walk through to shop.

Bernideen said...

Totally lovely photos!

ellen b said...

How nice to have that space to walk through. Lovely seasonal shots!

Needled Mom said...

It is such fun to see the beautiful scenery throughout the year. Each season has its own beauty.

Janneke said...

The change over the seasons always remains fascinating, nature is clever and beautiful!

CherryPie said...

This is a beautiful selection of photographs :-)

Ag said...

You have such a beautiful walk to go to the shops. Your pictures are really pretty and each one has a different feeling. Love the sunset comparisons!
Thanks for sharing these lovely photos Barbara.
Audrey. said...

I so enjoyed this post, Barbara, and do not know how I missed it.
Thank you for all the work you did putting this together.
Nature is totally awesome.