This top picture is of 'The Seven Sisters' at Beachy Head so shows how the white cliffs are not just situated at Dover but stretch far along the South coast westward.
Yes, they really are white - they are chalk cliffs
for safety one is advised to stay 5 metres from the cliff edge as they are constantly eroding
One has to be on a boat to get these views so give credit to Google for these two pictures
We visited this light house, a 2 mile walk from the car park at the top of the cliffs at Dover, on our last visit and were able to look out from the top
Here we have left the castle and have come to walk along the cliffs and drink tea while looking down on the Ferry Terminal
After all the walking involved in visiting the castle this is a welcome break - sitting down drinking tea that is!
If your screen is big enough you can just see France on the horizon in the centre of the picture 22 miles away
Trucks and cars waiting to load
Constant ferries in and out and a cruise ship near the centre horizon
Did you notice the cloud coming in while I took these pictures
Even over here across the Atlantic Ocean we know about the white cliffs of Dover...due to that old song, and a movie by that name too, if I recall correctly, with Vanessa Redgrave...
So...it's lovely to see them in your (and google's) photos. I'm trying to imagine how many countless numbers of ancient little plankton skeletons piled up for how many eons to form those chalk cliffs!
What an iconic view of legend and song. No, I didn't notice the clouds rolling in until you mentioned it. I enjoyed looking for France not so very far away at all.
These pictures remind me of a trip to France for the wedding of a dear friend in Normandy.
Oddly enough, there was an item on the news that on March 15th, a large part of the chalky cliff in Dover fell into the sea. Did you see it? If you just type "Cliffs of dover falling down" into a search engine you can find it...
It always scares me to see folks get so close to the edge at Beachy Head!
Those cliffs are REALLY white! What a pretty day to visit too. It looks like a very busy port.
I so enjoy your journeys...my daughter just visited Ireland and did a photo tour on her blog. So lovely with thatched roofs and the fishing villages.
I love taking the ferry...in the NorthWest...Washington State USA..the ferry takes tours to the Islands off the coast. A wonderful trip and visit on the islands as well.
Thank you again..
Blessings to you
Amazing beauty!
I wonder for how long the lighthouse will still be safe.
Always a welcome sight when you are getting the ferry back from France :)
Thanks for pointing out the clouds - I was so busy trying to see France and humming the song.
Thanks to you, Barbara, I've seen London, I've seen France...
As Vee said - iconic. I suspect they are on the list of the top ten icons of England.
How happy I am to have stopped back by today. The photos have seemed to capture the majesty that you must feel that close to beauty.
PS - I rarely comment on the blog here but I do so enjoy your sharing.
Blessings to you from His abundance
I knew that was Seven Sisters as your first photo, but I couldn't tell you that since who am I as an American to correct you? Have you seen the movie "Atonement"? If you do, you will recognize that this is where the cottage by the sea was filmed although it was not credited. Watch the movie and you will see what I mean!
As ever, a splendid visit home!
I bet you deserved your tea after all that hiking around.
How well I know those views. How often have I done that channel crossing.
One of my most vivid memories of Dover Castle (circa 1957!) is of climbing up the tall lawns -very steep and rolling down and getting utterly GREEN.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Very mild here so am going to plant my 'tree-pits' outside the building.
Greetings to Alan.
Yes, I'd heard about that large chunk of chalky Dover falling, too. I didn't realize how susceptible to crumbling it can be. Amazing sights, Barbara.
Hi Barbara!
Those cliffs really are white! Are they eroding fast enough to make a substantial difference?
We visited France shortly after Princess Diana's death. We rented a car and toured the countryside. I wanted to visit England, my husband wanted to go to the South.... but my teenage boys won out and we drove to Germany, and then back down the Rhein River. What beautiful castles!!! One on every hill...
I always like to visit with you and see the places that I missed.
xoxo Bunny Jean
Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party!
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