Saturday, 3 February 2007

What happened to January?

Seems it just came and went. My usual aspirations for January are to get stuck into making greetings cards to increase my stock.

I also like to begin my annual clear out and "throw-away". ("Auch" says AJR, my hoarder husband). I could not live in a minimalist home - I would have nothing to throw or give away. This task I begin in our "store" room, a room that began life as an integral garage. Once this is done it is easier to think about the beginning of Spring cleaning. These days my 'Spring cleaning' may not get finished until August as there are so many other things to fill my time with. Sorting and cleaning my store room can be fun or torture, depending on how you look at it. It stores games, files, reference books, language books, travel books, maps & Atlases, wool, material, candles, kitchen appliances, non-seasonal items, a bulk buy store cupboard, overflow of kitchen storage, tools, stationary, office equipment, stamp collection, light bulbs, cleaning utensils and products, picnic gear, wardrobe for extra outdoor clothing, jam making equipment, , sewing machine, several little used electrical items and many "what shall we do with it items". I'm sure you are getting the picture. I like to have these things in order and immediately available (it is not a mess) so it is good to have a good sort in January.

Well I have not done any of these things yet. What looked like a fairly empty calendar at the beginning of the month soon filled up until there were only 4 free days. All the usual stuff, family, house guests, dinner parties, unexpected visitors, days out, church activities, not to mention hairdresser, dentist, opticians and much more.

Now I have started a blog! What will this mean? My daughter may have a lot to answer for! Soon the garden pruning will be upon us. I love pruning too as I like a manageable garden b ut I have also learnt from my many years of gardening experience that lots of pruning pays great dividends later on with increased flowers and foliage. I will be showing you the results of this in future posts.

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