Being early Sunday morning the place is quiet but this atrium will be teeming with people tomorrow
The coffee shop on the left is not yet open and there is nobody playing the piano
but the restaurant is already open though quiet. It will be a bit noisier when we round off our time here with coffee
A very different faith experience last Thursday for me. I was involved in a quiet, almost silent day at Pilgrims Hall and found my time of just 'being' a good experience.
No telephone or computer or anything else to distract and even got to delve into the book that my dear blogging friend Sara sent to me for my birthday last year.
Although for sometime I have been interested in the Hebraic roots of my faith and am involved in some study in this field, I was not sure until I opened this book just what it was about. From what I have read so far (and I am sure there is much more)I am finding it very interesting to see what was behind many of the sayings that Jesus used and how the wording was very much a part of the culture in which He lived. So helpful in interpreting Scripture, especially the Parables.
One never knows what one is going to find in a book in more ways than one!
This little card was in a very old second hand book I bought at the
Town of Books, Hay-on-Wye
some years ago
Obviously given to an Alice Hollis
on Whit Sunday 1884
I just could not throw it away, so laminated it instead, and kept it as a book mark.
So what else dominated this last week of the first month of 2011?
A dinner party here and another at the home of a friend, tea and chats with other friends.
Serving teas etc. at a churches together time to pray for and encourage the youth of our Borough who are out in the community seeing God working in people's lives
and another visit to the Drs surgery to arrange what I trust will be my last scan.
How quickly this first month of the year has passed. Hard to believe.