Monday 22 September 2008

Studley Royal Water Gardens,Yorkshire Pt.13

Once a wild wooded valley in the grounds of Fountains Abbey, the water gardens are claimed to be one of the most spectacular gardens in England. They were created by John Aislabie and his son William. Disgraced by financial scandal in the 1700's they poured their energies into creating this great vision. Today you can wander at leisure along foot-paths that criss-cross the canal, past elegant ponds and cascades, discover follies hidden high in the valley sides and classical temples sheltered by woodland trees.

So come with me and see them for yourself. It's pretty steep walking up the hillside, but worth it.

Somewhere to shelter

We are at the top and can see the abbey in the distance. This area is called Queem Anne's seat. She obviously had a seat here in the distant past.

It's quite a long way down

The Monks obviously did not want to get caught out when they were out meditating in the grounds. Air conditioned too!

We are walking through a tunnel under the hill
Looking back

Nearly there - at least it's dry in here

Interesting tree roots


Jeanne said...

Beautiful my lovely friend
as is everything you share

Lorrie said...

So lovely, as I keep saying. The shelter is interesting, too.


Vee said...

Well that was a lovely loo. Far better than many I've seen.

Beautiful gardens...I can imagine Queen Anne perched there looking down on that peaceful scene.

Tess Kincaid said...

Beautiful! I think I would have to stay a year, at least, to see all I want to see!!

Come Away With Me said...

I love the high view from Queen Anne's Seat. Definitely worth the climb!

Patsy said...

A two seater no less.

Mmm said...

Looks divine. I could definitely get lost here in utter bliss.

Linda said...

Yet another beautiful place. Those English were so creative with all of their homes and gardens.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this trip Barbara. Wow what a loo! :-)

Beautiful view- hope you got to sit down somewhere undraughty after the climb.

a woman who is said...

This is a very spectacular place you are visiting. Thanks for taking us along.

Mike's Travels said...

Another lovely collection Barbara!