Would you believe it? It's happened again
the gold hazel catkins are out in the lane.
The crocuses making bright lakes in the grass
ripple like waves as the stormy winds pass.
The chiffchaff is building. The aconites glow
like stars in the woods where the swelling brooks flow.
The winter is passing. I sense on the breeze
the stirring of life in the roots and the trees.
The daffodils eager to dance into view
are poised and are ready, awaiting their cue.
The spirit of Springtime has tapped on the pane.
Would you believe it? It's happening again.
Patience Strong
Yes, I am still here not having posted for over a week. Life has been pretty hectic in many ways - various committments, family etc. and not to mention a spell of decorating that turned into a nightmare. More on this later in the week.
Could not resist the above Spring poem as we are having some beautiful spring weather 60f in March! As in the poem the crocuses and Hazel catkins are thriving in the garden and just as the poem says, the daffodils are poised and waiting their cue.
This of course means that I need to be out there pruning and weeding big time while the weather, which is forecast to last a few more days, is so warm and inviting.
Today I was at a four and a half hour business meeting at Pilgrims Hall and we stopped for a quick lunch taken out on the terrace and it was a joy to feel warm sun on bare arms.
So while Alan continues with the decorating I will leave the household chores and see what impression I can make outside before another day caring for Grandson Oliver on Friday. My daughter Janie is now on maternity leave so has been able to return to posting on her blog http://www.fromunderthemaple.blogspot.com/ Our week will culminate in a friend's birthday celebration on Saturday before embarking on another full week next week.
Before taking my leave - I received this 'Friends' award from Andrea of A Parson's Wife. I know that all kinds of 'rules' are sent with these awards and I am honoured and grateful to Andrea for her kind words and truly appreciate her friendship but I am sure these 'rules' get changed along the way. I have already in the past received this award and have passed it on, so instead of the 8 people suggested on Andrea's blog, I am sending this on to one friend, Sara of Much Ado About Something (even although I know that many precious friendships have developed in blogland) because Sara has become a special friend in many ways and there is so much about her blog and life that I appreciate.

Congrats on yet another award.
YAY for spring in your area, Barbara! May you get a lot accomplished in the days available to you :-)
Congrats on your award and I agree that Sara's blog is special.
Enjoy your time with Oliver!
Good evening! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog! I enjoyed your poem, that was lovely. Looking forward to seeing the upcoming posts on the grandbaby to come! How exciting! Have a great day!
Hi hon. Yep seems spring is here. The robins are all busy and I noticed the forsythia are their brillant yellow.
Glad to hear Spring has sprung across the sea.
Our witchhazel and forsythia are in bloom and , of course, the early daffodils. All yellow. All lovely!
It's getting warm here too, even up to 80 degrees one day. I do enjoy warmer temperatures so much.
I'm sure your spring garden will be quite lovely. I can't wait to see the pictures!
It's another beautiful day today, Mum. Oliver and I had a really pretty drive this morning. All the deep pink blossoms are forming on the cherry trees...and it looks like the white blossoms are close behind. Oliver was so cute picking out all the "pink" trees.
I love Spring!
Jumped over to Janie's page to see how the baby was coming along. I am so excited for all of you.
I so need to get out in my garden and get it cleaned up and the pruning done before our little one arrives too!
The weather has just not been too inviting.
Isnt it wonderful to see all those signs of Spring appearing now...all of a sudden we have primroses, daffodils, flwering cherry, all sorts of pretty things in the garden!
Patience Strong's words are always uplifting. Lovely weather here too.
It's so lovely getting the milder weather. Amazing how suddenly everything just blooms.
Good morning! :-)
Congratulations on the award!
Spring seems to cautiosly have tiptoed in here too while I was away (in Rome, where Spring was in full swing). I talked to a friend who is in Wales right now and there daffodils are blooming everywhere.
They are selling daffodils on the corners here so I know spring is here. I'm looking forward to long days and summer heat.
This lovely poem evokes many Spring pictures full of colour and scent. Spring has finally arrived here too and I am as everybody very happy about that.
Beautiful beautiful words to describe Spring awakening!:)
Congrat's on the award!
Yay for lovely spring weather! I really liked the poem, too.
I visited Janie and got caught up on her news, which is quite a lot. Am praying that every little thing will be a-ok. Glad that she is on maternity leave now.
This business of decorating is all very mysterious. Hope to revisit you in a few and see what that's all about!
Congrats on your award, Barbara.
Barbara, than you so very much. Our visitors from Switzerland have now left so I've got time to check email and find this lovely surprise. Isn't it a wonderful thing that the Internet has provided - there is so much we all would be missing if it did not exist, including friends like you.
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