Never having been in this situation before it strikes me as strange to know my Grandchild's birthday even before she is born.
So, this coming week we will visit for a fun day out together with Janie rather than just to care for Oliver while Mum is at the hospital. Mind you just caring for Oliver can be fun too, and exhausting. I have to be up there on the climbing frames and slides or whatever in the adventure playgrounds, not to mention running races. Becoming a Grandmother so late in life I have to make up for lost time!!
And in appreciation of the following awards that have come my way this week

This Sisterhood award came from Zetor and is awarded for showing attitude/and or gratitude. I would like to pass this on to Vee who certainly deserves this accolade in my opinion.

The above award 'If the shoe Fits Wear it' depicts a prince fitting the princess with a glass slipper. I do not normally repeat what has been said to me regarding these awards but this one seems a bit ambiguous so I think an explanation necessary. It came from Barbara where she said "Barbara, your posts are gorgious, your spirit is even more beautiful. You bring beauty to everything you touch so thank you for sharing your world with us." I would like to offer the same sentiments to my dear blogging friend from A Woman Who Is where our relationship has developed to more than just posting.

This Sisterhood award came from Zetor and is awarded for showing attitude/and or gratitude. I would like to pass this on to Vee who certainly deserves this accolade in my opinion.
The above award 'If the shoe Fits Wear it' depicts a prince fitting the princess with a glass slipper. I do not normally repeat what has been said to me regarding these awards but this one seems a bit ambiguous so I think an explanation necessary. It came from Barbara where she said "Barbara, your posts are gorgious, your spirit is even more beautiful. You bring beauty to everything you touch so thank you for sharing your world with us." I would like to offer the same sentiments to my dear blogging friend from A Woman Who Is where our relationship has developed to more than just posting.
I do appreciate the kind thoughts behind these awards but I do not stick to the rules and pass them on in the way I think fit. No rules to follow, they are your awards so do with them what you will.
Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer. How exciting to know that soon you will your new little grandchild in your arms - and in your heart forever! Isn't being a grandparent fun? ~Adrienne~
So pleased prayers are answered.Enjoy your week.
Wonderful answer to prayer! I'm thanking Him and tears are flowing. Well, He's a wonderful Father and that's all I have to say. I will continue to keep Janie and hers in my prayers.
Thank you so much for thinking of me with the award. It's very sweet of you.
Hi Barbara,
The shoe does fit! I am so glad that Janie and Rebekah are doing well. I will continue to hold your family up in prayer. Isn't God good?
These awards are certainly appropriate for you, as your blog always displays beauty and gratefulness!
Such wonderful news that all is well with Jane and new baby. Pass on all my best wishes and thoughts to them in the next couple of weeks.
Praise God that your daughter is well and that you are looking forward to the birth of a new grandchild very soon. Thank you for sharing these very beautiful pictures of springtime in England. Many blessings to you and yours.
I will keep right on praying. That is a big baby but as long as everyone is healthy that is all that matters.
A beautiful spring garden is going to look even more beautiful in the summer~ the way I'll always remember it.
So good to hear about Janie and your granddaughter!
Thank you for stopping by my new blog. I am looking forward to looking more of yours and getting acquainted. We will be coming to London in the fall ... maybe we will meet up or you can recommend great gardens without the tremendous crowds. Hugs Betty :)
I'm glad all is well with your daughter. That is going to be a big baby. I was a 9 pound baby to my petite little mother.
Hugs Barbara, you must've been so concerned for your daughter. I hope everything goes smoothly in April. A 9-10lb baby will probably fit 3 month clothes straight away. What a wonderful feeling it will be when you and your daughter safely hold her. :-)
I am touched by your award in regards to our developing friendship. It means much to me! Thanks! I am sure I will find an opportunity to pass it on.
I am glad to hear an up date on Janie and baby. I will continue to keep her in prayers. Soon you will be holding a new born. Life can't get any better than that.
And I must say the view of your spring garden from your kitchen window is amazing. How blessed you are!
Congratulations! How wonderful for you that Janie and baby Oliver are doing well. I loved the image you showed us of the sun casting it's warmth on Janie's tree.
Correction! Congrats on your new Granddaughter...and Oliver is NOT a baby! :-) Such an engaging story.
Prayer is very powerful. I do hope all goes as planned and you have yourself a beautiful grandchild. Let Janie know we are all thinking of her.
Hi dear Barbara, I am glad to know that all is well with Janie and the baby. And what a big baby!! I am sure all will be ok and you girls will have a lovely new baby to enjoy.
Lots of love. x
Poor Janie to have problematic pregnancies--even normal, uneventful ones are miserable enough. I'm glad she and the baby are okay.
How lovely. So pleased they are both well.
Yes it's tiring looking after grandchildren but it's lovely.
Thank the Lord for answered prayer. He watches over us and I am so happy for you and your daughter. Your little sweet granddaughter will be so wonderful. Being a Nana has made me so happy. It makes your spirit soar!!!!
So glad to hear you are to be a granny again!
Lucky you.
I can't wait.... though I seem to be having to!
Lovely signs of Essex spring.
Wonderful news that all is well, Barbara and not long to wait now either! You will love palyign with your grandson, and what a delight your little granddaughter will be too!
Blessings to you and your new grandchild. What a beauty! Thanks for the wonderful photos you share, I have fallen in love with England. So looking forward to seeing all the beautiful sites you have shared.
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