We do not usually make a big fuss of birthdays, but my children thought this one was worth celebrating. I turned down the offer of tea at the Palm Court in the Ritz with my family and preferred for that money to go towards a break at the above hotel in Aldeburgh on the Suffolk Coast. We have a bedroom that faces the river and the marshes at the back and a small sitting room that faces the sea. One can walk around the town of Aldeburgh in 10 minutes and there is little else but the fishing boats and the sea, but that is the beauty of it. Add to that the wildfoul reserves and walks along the rivers and marshes and we are all set for a relaxing break. The food is good too with lots of fresh caught fish so looks like we will be walking, eating and reading. especially as it will be dark soon after 4.30 pm this time of year. Aldeburgh is less than 2 hours away which adds to a relaxing trip. We will be there from Monday to Thursday.
We will be venturing outside of Aldeburgh to Snape where they host music festivals and there are castles and such in the area, and other little harbour towns and villages. The forecast at present is for rain every day and we are right on the North Sea so we will be taking our warm and wet weather clothes without a doubt. The time to dress up will be for relaxing in the hotel restaurant in the evening.
Next Saturday will be spent with the family when I will cook them all a special meal. And yes, I will be taking my camera.
May you have a very happy birthday!
I live in the American Midwest and my sister was recently visiting me from where she lives in Florida.
She is now in her 70s and I find it remarkable at how young she looks and acts. You are just the same, well how you look and write. :)
You do not look like 70, Barbara, and you have more energy than I do - I know - I have been walking with you and Alan! I think you are amazing, and a real example to us all. Have a very Happy Birthday - and a wonderful time at Aldburgh. I know it well, and love walking along the seafront.
May the next decade bring you even more adventures and fun!
Warmest congratulations on your milestone birthday Barbara.
Enjoy your Suffolk coastal break.
Marie x
Happy Birthday! I know what you mean. I still feel 40 until I look in the mirror. I hope it is a great celebration for you.
Wonderful birthday celebration ahead, I see ;-) Happy birthday, dear Barbara. God has blessed you with many many adventures in your full life. May His work continue.
Happy 70th. As one who preceeded you by 10 months let me tell you it has been a wonderful, exciting year for me. I know it will be for you, too. I think your choice of the quieter retreat was a good one. Enjoy!!!
Now I am not in the least surprised by your choice...it's going to be grand fun for you!
Seventy is the new fifty, isn't it? One would never guess your age. You are eternal and have a very youthful spirit.
Enjoy your week!
Happy Birthday! Your creativity and love for life really inspire me. You seem to keep learning, seeing, learning, and enjoying...Thanks for your example.
Wow, it is a landmark birthday! You have a great celebration planned. I will be back on the Big Day to wish you a Happy Birthday...
Barbara - Happy Birthday!! Best wishes for a fun filled birthday with your family - it sounds wonderful and we wish you the best!!
Loved your last post about Halloween! We use to do more of the Harvest Parties....you don't see much "bobbing for apples" anymore!!
Karla & Karrie
Oh, I do think you made the right choice! I would much prefer the seaside holiday myself. And what a completely lovely town to celebrate one's birthday. Edward and I wish you the happiest of days!
I have that big 70 comeing up, we will still be blogging each other God willing when we are 80. I have an award for you.
Happy birthday Barbara! It sounds like a wonderful place.
70 these days is very different from 70 a 100 years ago and 100 years before that it was almost unheard of. Think of it more like a 45 again. :-)
Have a wonderful day. I wonder if the town was the old burgh?
Happy birthday Barbara. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay at the hotel in Aldeburgh. I'm sure you will have lots of photos to share with us.
May you have wonderful days when you have your little break at Aldburgh. A very happy birthday to you and all the best wishes.
Happy Birthday to you! And Alan!
I would turn down tea even at The Ritz for a few days on the Suffolk coast,too. Enjoy your time and take lots of photos!
I am so envious of your upcoming trip!
Wishing you a wonderful 70th celebration of your birth.....and I might add a very youthful 70....Allen has taken wonderful care of you!!!!!!
Enjoy.....God Bless....Betty
Have a lovely B'day.
Ah...more afternoon tea pics.
Wishing you all the best on your birthday week. My, what restraint you showed turning down tea at the Ritz. Have a wonderful time on your holiday and with your family when you celebrate later on. It's funny that age really doesn't seem to matter where blog friends are concerned. I have never really thought about your age, just loved you for your words and pictures and most of all your testimony. The Lord has given you a great story, and we have the benefit of being able to read it here. Here's to you and to what the Lord has in store for your future!
Happy Birthday, Barbara! I would turn down tea at the Ritz to get back to East Anglia - we were married in Norwich. We've lived in the US for 20 years and I miss the light in Suffolk. Blessings to you both.
Happy Birthday Barbara!
What a lovely holiday you are going to have.
I can't wait to see all your pictures.
Time with family, much better than a fancy tea...all though it does look spectacular. Will Oliver be along?
Blessings for your birthday and always
Love Jeanne
Barbara,Happy Birthday!!! I pray God gives you blessings every time you turn a corner, on your "Birthday" trip! Blessings when you go out and blessings when you come in. SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS!!
Blessed...that is how I feel about the day I stumbled across your blog. I am blessed to "know" you!
Happy Birthday, Barbara! You made the right choice! Hope you are enjoying your birthday holiday.
Wishing you the most wonderful birthday ..hope it surpasses all your dreams and wishes...Aldeburgh is such a wonderful place to celebrate it ...
Bonne anniversaire Barbara!
I once went to tea at the Ritz, many years ago, wonderful, but I think you have chosen much the better option. Have a wonderful stay, and enjoy every minute.
Next year I will be doing something similar!
BARBARA: HAPPY BIRTHDAY and JUST REMEMBER THAT ANYONE YOUNGER IS STILL COMING RIGHT BEHIND YOU! I myself can so agree with you because I will be 60 next year and just yesterday - it seems - I was 30. When I was 30 an "old man" told me (he was around 70) that life was short - I just couldn't "get it" that day. Now I do! Enjoy every day and live LONG IS MY PRAYER FOR YOU!
Hope you've had a wonderful day. 21 again, no way you are 70 there is a mistake somewhere.!!! x
Happy Birthday!
You are right - the seaside is a better bet than a fancy tea - though the fancy tea would be fun too.
I never went to the Suffolk coast - can you believe it? But I look forward to your pictures of it.
Gosh, Alan does not look his age at all.Send him my best
I have been rather out of the blog loop since the election and visiting my mother in law (87 yesterday). Both the election and my mother in law are doing well.
Loved your reports about the young woman and the paper kitchen towels.
I still think they are an extravagance.......
Barbara, I pray you had a great birthday. 70 is the new 40. You look great and are so clever and travel so much and do the greatest photography. I'm not all that far away from 70 and I am thankful for every year. Praise the Lord we get to have all our birthdays. Have a great birthday month!
put the kettle on \o/\O/\o/
A nice spot of tea can be had any old day. A birthday holiday on the coast, on the other hand... wonderful! I hope you are having a lovely time despite these cold, damp days.
Many blessings and happy returns to you and your dear husband. Wishing you much joy in the coming year.
(and looking forward to your photos!)
I know you are still celebrating but wanted you to know I finally got around to passing on the BFF Award. Thanks again for giving it to me.
You made a great choice Barbara. It's a wonderful place. Say hello to Britten :)
I cannot tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I love sight seeing the English country side, churches, villages, and gardens with you. Happy Birthday!
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