Tuesday 11 November 2008

A Walk Around Woodbridge,Suffolk

I'm glad that I took the Autumn photos of the garden because since then we have had some atrocious weather. Our firework party took place in the rain (later post) but yesterday we had gales with gusts of up to 70 miles an hour in places and torrential rain squalls all day. My Rose beds and borders look like a lake.

Back to Monday of last week when we spent a few hours in Woodbridge on our way to Aldeburgh. We arrived in time for morning coffee, which we had close to the river, and then had time to walk around the town before having lunch.Woodbridge stands on the River Deben and owes much of its prosperity to the industries of shipbuilding, sail-cloth and rope-making.

Suffolk is a county of pretty colours as you will see, even in the mist and drizzle.

The Tide Mill has stood here since 1170
It was the last working mill of its kind in the country
continuing in use until 1956

A Thames Barge
These barges worked up and down the Thames river many years ago

We have left the river and are now walking towards St. John's church (at the top of the hill) in the centre of town.

So often in these small towns where the ancient church takes such a central place, one sees houses where the backs open right onto the ancient graveyards.

There's that man again - he's a saint really
Gives a good perspective of the size of the entrance

Out from the side directly onto the town square
with an ancient well and water pump

Popped in to chat with this Violin maker

Drinking and eating

The Angel Pub

The Shire hall still in use by local magistrates

Another pub

See Paddington Bear peeping out this house window

Another pub
These pubs are often the best places to eat for good, homely and cheap food
We are now going to have lunch and then make our way to Aldeburgh another half hour away. Will probably stick to soup as we will be enjoying a 3 course dinner at our hotel this evening.
We have no idea at this point of the surprise we will receive when we get to our hotel
(nothing to do with my birthday!)


Adrienne said...

Hi Barbara -
Thank you for taking us to Woodbridge. Once again, I truly wish I could have been there with you. Your photos are wonderful and they give such a picture of the countryside and the wonderful buildings and life of the people there. If I had been there you would have had to leave me at the violinmaker's shop! Being a violin player of sorts in my youth and a musician who is fascinated by the production of the instruments, you might have had to drag me away!

P. said...

Beautiful England.


Susan said...

You make me so envious every time you post one of these tours of yours :o) No, not really....I just joy with you in them.

I don't think mine is a plateau, this time, although I know that happens, mine is just everything being to out of step. We are getting back to normal. Think I'll have to post about that :o)

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh, I could have spent the afternoon with the violin maker!

TBM said...

I agree with Willow. Just pick me up on the way back home, please. It must have smelled wonderful in his shop!

Needled Mom said...

Looks like a wonderful place to visit.

I have always found that the pubs are a great place for good food. I love the different looks of them too.

I'll bet the violin maker was an interesting soul to speak with. That is truly a labor of love.

Linda said...

I love pubs-especially those ploughman platters.

Mmm said...

Another wonderful village. ...and wonderful photos too. I love these virtual tours you send us on. do you drive your hubbie nutty with all your photos?!

Patsy said...

I am just filled with awe on these wonderful trips we take with you. Thank you

Elizabeth said...

I want to live in the pink stucco/half timbered cottage.
As ever this was such a wonderful visit.
I late went to Woodbridge in 1963 (school friend lived there). In those days I did not realise it was pretty. It just looked like everywhere else.......!!!
Yes, Alan is a saint!
love form New York.and looking forward to hearing your surprise.....

Elizabeth said...

Excuse spelling errors in comment above.
Not concentrating!!

Barb said...

Hi Barbara,

I could live there happily. What a charming place.

Thank you for your prayers.

Have a blessed weekend.


Willow said...

Barbara, Ellen and I are constantly saying, oh I miss England! And you have given me another glimpse of the beauty of your country! I truly miss it, winds, gales and all notwithstanding.

Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Hia Barbara, I'm intriegued about the structure in photo 18 on the side of the pub. Did it have a pulley system inside? Was it a walkway to a now demolished building?

Lovely colours on the houses. thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this lovely tour.....

Lavinia said...

A storybook place. Virtually all of these photos could be a painting or postcard. Perfect ideal of a true 'pub', that I would like to enter one day. And paddington bear in the window....too adorable! The church has such a mysterious atmosphere...thank you Barbara for another one of your pictorials. You are as ever a wonderful tour guide...

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I loved the tour, especially Paddington Bear! Can't wait for the surprise!

debbie bailey said...

I'm envious! You have so many beautiful places to visit in England. I love your new masthead; I think that's what it's called. Anyway, the photo collage of all the flowers. Thanks for sharing England's beauty. and happy birthday! I just had one too.

Betty said...


You take me to the most interesting places....if ever I am fortunate enough to come to England and Wales I do want to eat lunch in a pub...I read so often of a ploughman's lunch.....sounds very filling....

Thank you for visiting and commenting on our 'Veteran's Day' salute. Yes, the men and women certainly endured so much during World War II. My husband's brother was a prisoner of war for 14 months, suffered unbearably...lost 100 pounds. All gave some and some gave all...their lives....

Looking forward to more adventures with you....God Bless...Betty

Come Away With Me said...

My favorite is the photo of the violin maker at his craft, in front of the shop window that looks out on the street/square. I notice he has a teddy bear on his work bench, and an apple for a snack. And all that lovely wood!

Charm and Grace said...

Barbara, what a lovely post. I think that instrument making is one of the most beautiful art forms. I loved seeing all those violins hanging in the shop. And I love Paddington Bear so I had to enlarge the photo of him in the window. You must've had a keen eye to spy him there.
