Sunday 28 September 2014

Polperro, Cornwall (Part 3)

Continuing to walk around Polperro, this will be the last post on this particular village. Do check my previous two posts if you have not as it is such a picturesque and interesting place.
I will share some interesting history at the end.

Something different - a house decorated with shells

We are actually on the east side of the harbour having come down from the cliffs on the west side

I don't think I could concentrate on reading here

walking along these narrow alleyways is fun

We come to the museum and tearoom

We are ready for a break and some light refreshment
Just a scone with butter as neither of us like cream and certainly not the famous Cornish clotted cream that everyone goes wild over

cottages built right into the cliffs

I would love to have been able to swim here

but it is time to turn around and head back

but maybe a photograph first

These jumbled houses are the work of Cornish fishermen. They wanted a place to store their gear and Pilchard catch, and over that a loft divided into rooms like the cuddy of his boat. He reached the ground by means of stone or wooden steps.
Wending your way along traffic free streets to the small harbour, you are treading the paths where once fish were carted, and under cover of night, Brandy casks and Tobacco bales wee carried into their hideouts.
Make no mistake, this peaceful fishing cove was once a thriving centre for the area's smuggling.
Wagon loads of contraband left here, some heading across Bodmin Moor, en route to London
(There will be more on Bodmin Moor in a later post. 


DeniseinVA said...

A lovely post of a very pretty town. Thank you Barbara, I'm hoping to get here next June.

Come Away With Me said...

This was the best post yet! The seashell cottage is wonderful though I wouldn't want to be the one who has to keep them all clean, especially those big conches on the windowsill. And I love the way they name their cottages. Was thinking I want to move there and live in Cliffs End Cottage, no wait, maybe Baytree Cottage, or the Laurels. Can't really decide - but whatever is up the highest with the best view!
Sure hope I'm as spry and look as good as you and Alan do when I catch up to you!

Come Away With Me said...

Forgot to say that window full of sailboats is my favorite.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I can see how someone who lives here would be in good shape. Thanks for the beautiful stroll...

ChrisJ said...

Oh you and I should have cream teas together. You can have my scone and I'll have your cream!

Lorrie said...

The higgly piggly streets and houses look like they could topple down the cliff at any time. The white washed homes are so striking. What a fun visit you've had.

Garden Fancy said...

Every scene you've shown is incredibly picturesque. What a lovely place to spend a holiday! Thanks for sharing this village with us. -Beth

Anonymous said...

I love this post Barbara and feel like I've walked the streets with you. What a pretty village.
That is a very nice picture of you sitting in the chair.
Thank you for this lovely tour.