Tuesday 27 July 2010

Fairytale Cottage

We often pass this cute little cottage but have never taken a picture before.

I wonder what fairytale, nursery rhyme or story it reminds you of. Hansel and Gretel for me I think.


Schnitzel and the Trout said...

Many years ago in the beautiful town of Carmel, California, we had tea in a swmall restaurant that looks just like this darling home. The name of it was "The Tuck Box". I am not quite sure what a tuck box is, but the name is delightful.

Martha said...

I love those fairy tale cottages like that -- you can just imagine all sorts of things!

Annie Jeffries said...

This sweet little house reminds me of a house I have seen at Carmel by the Sea in California. If I ever get back that way, I'll have to photograph it and share it.

Deanna said...

Barbara, What a sweet and enchanting Cottage. I think of Goldie Locks and the Three Bears...Little Red Riding Hood as well.

It would be a delight to see the interior.

God bless you and may you have a wonderful life,

Vee said...

It is cute! I don't know, but Hansel and Gretel works...Rose Red and Rose White? Brain is not functioning this morning.

Anonymous said...

Dear Barbara, This is indeed straight out of a story book. Absolutely charming. I imagine that it was once a turnpike cottage, particularly if it is situated on a trunk road. I can think of similar ones in Hampshire and Dorset.

Betty said...

It is beautiful. Reminds me of Snow White.


Come Away With Me said...

It certainly is a charming cottage. I am not sure what fairy tale I'm reminded of, but enchanted tea parties should most certainly happen here!

A Busy Single Mom said...

This cottage is full of English charm and, yes, it looks as if it does belong in a story book! Many thanks for your nice comments.

Patsy said...

I would like to know who and what they look like that live in the fairy cottage.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Maybe it could be the cottage of the 3 Bears...It is just like the fairytale kind. I'd love to see the inside.

Gwendolyn said...

What a fascinating little dwelling! Yes, I agree with Willow, it could be the home of the 7 dwarfs in Snow White! Enchanting to say the least! I wonder if the inside is just as quaint as the outside. Have you ever seen who lives there?
Good to have stopped by for a visit again!

Unknown said...

I often read about beautiful cottages in England and this one certainly is one. Love the roof :) Happy week ahead.

Unknown said...

The person who lives in this cottage just has to be delightful, I would love to meet her/him.

Unknown said...

The person who lives in this cottage just has to be delightful, I would love to meet her/him.

supergoof said...

It reminds me of one thing,... I want to live there!!! And live happily ever after,...

Jenny said...

I must have seen this cottage sometime but cannot quite place it. We do have some wonderfully quaint homes in Essex.
Jenny <><

Maree said...

Oh I love this cottage...how forunate are the ones that get to live in it?!

We have a cottage similar to that one here in Louisville..it's in the Highlands. We adore it!

Thanks for sharing..

Joyce said...

Cute, cute!!! It reminds me of ENGLAND. HA!
I went to Belgium once and that part of the world reminded me of the "Gingerbread Cottage." I loved seeing their cute homes.
Thanks for sharing this.

Needled Mom said...

Oh my goodness but that is cute!!!!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

I could happily live there with a cute fence around and lots of flowers!

Elizabeth said...

And where is this delight?
I used to want to live in "LION LODGE"
on the Thorndon Hall estate.
Huge lions on the gates!
Boiling hot here.

Rose L said...

Makes me want to create a poem about a cottage with 2 wide open eyes seeking someoen to house!!

Linda said...

So lovely but all I can think of is how much it must cost to replace that roof however often that must be.

Naturegirl said...

Hansel and Gretel for sure but I cannot image a mean old witch living in that adorable cottage!

Anonymous said...

Hi Barbara,
what a lovely cottage. Do they decorate it like a gingerbread one at Christmas? It is gorgeous. Love the arch windows- so in keeping with the steep pitch of the thatch.

Betty said...

It does indeed look like a fairy tale dwelling.

I can't believe Oliver is four...just a short while ago he was a baby. His birthday card is awesome!

We have been away 10 days to Indiana and TN and returned home to a tragedy in a dear friend's family. The funeral is today.

Alan continues to be in my prayers and I pray he is doing well.


Carrie said...

Ohh, this is such charming architecture...I would so love to see the inside decor!

Pom Pom said...

I think Bilbo Baggins lives there.