Tuesday 27 July 2010

Fairytale Cottage

We often pass this cute little cottage but have never taken a picture before.

I wonder what fairytale, nursery rhyme or story it reminds you of. Hansel and Gretel for me I think.


  1. Many years ago in the beautiful town of Carmel, California, we had tea in a swmall restaurant that looks just like this darling home. The name of it was "The Tuck Box". I am not quite sure what a tuck box is, but the name is delightful.

  2. I love those fairy tale cottages like that -- you can just imagine all sorts of things!

  3. This sweet little house reminds me of a house I have seen at Carmel by the Sea in California. If I ever get back that way, I'll have to photograph it and share it.

  4. Barbara, What a sweet and enchanting Cottage. I think of Goldie Locks and the Three Bears...Little Red Riding Hood as well.

    It would be a delight to see the interior.

    God bless you and may you have a wonderful life,

  5. It is cute! I don't know, but Hansel and Gretel works...Rose Red and Rose White? Brain is not functioning this morning.

  6. Dear Barbara, This is indeed straight out of a story book. Absolutely charming. I imagine that it was once a turnpike cottage, particularly if it is situated on a trunk road. I can think of similar ones in Hampshire and Dorset.

  7. It is beautiful. Reminds me of Snow White.


  8. It certainly is a charming cottage. I am not sure what fairy tale I'm reminded of, but enchanted tea parties should most certainly happen here!

  9. This cottage is full of English charm and, yes, it looks as if it does belong in a story book! Many thanks for your nice comments.

  10. I would like to know who and what they look like that live in the fairy cottage.

  11. Maybe it could be the cottage of the 3 Bears...It is just like the fairytale kind. I'd love to see the inside.

  12. What a fascinating little dwelling! Yes, I agree with Willow, it could be the home of the 7 dwarfs in Snow White! Enchanting to say the least! I wonder if the inside is just as quaint as the outside. Have you ever seen who lives there?
    Good to have stopped by for a visit again!

  13. I often read about beautiful cottages in England and this one certainly is one. Love the roof :) Happy week ahead.

  14. The person who lives in this cottage just has to be delightful, I would love to meet her/him.

  15. The person who lives in this cottage just has to be delightful, I would love to meet her/him.

  16. It reminds me of one thing,... I want to live there!!! And live happily ever after,...

  17. I must have seen this cottage sometime but cannot quite place it. We do have some wonderfully quaint homes in Essex.
    Jenny <><

  18. Oh I love this cottage...how forunate are the ones that get to live in it?!

    We have a cottage similar to that one here in Louisville..it's in the Highlands. We adore it!

    Thanks for sharing..

  19. Cute, cute!!! It reminds me of ENGLAND. HA!
    I went to Belgium once and that part of the world reminded me of the "Gingerbread Cottage." I loved seeing their cute homes.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  20. Oh my goodness but that is cute!!!!

  21. I could happily live there with a cute fence around and lots of flowers!

  22. And where is this delight?
    I used to want to live in "LION LODGE"
    on the Thorndon Hall estate.
    Huge lions on the gates!
    Boiling hot here.

  23. Makes me want to create a poem about a cottage with 2 wide open eyes seeking someoen to house!!

  24. So lovely but all I can think of is how much it must cost to replace that roof however often that must be.

  25. Hansel and Gretel for sure but I cannot image a mean old witch living in that adorable cottage!

  26. Hi Barbara,
    what a lovely cottage. Do they decorate it like a gingerbread one at Christmas? It is gorgeous. Love the arch windows- so in keeping with the steep pitch of the thatch.

  27. Barbara,
    It does indeed look like a fairy tale dwelling.

    I can't believe Oliver is four...just a short while ago he was a baby. His birthday card is awesome!

    We have been away 10 days to Indiana and TN and returned home to a tragedy in a dear friend's family. The funeral is today.

    Alan continues to be in my prayers and I pray he is doing well.


  28. Ohh, this is such charming architecture...I would so love to see the inside decor!

  29. I think Bilbo Baggins lives there.


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