1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I cannot foresee the future, but my desire would be to be alive and healthy and being who God means me to be in everything and everyone that He brings into my life.
2. What is your greatest accomplishment in life?
To have reached the age of 70 fit and healthy with a zest for life and a faith that makes everything else worthwhile, and to see my 2 children healthy, fulfilled and independent.
3. If money were no object where would you live and what would you do?
I would not want to live anywhere other than where I do because this is where God has put me and I am blessed to be surrounded by like minded people of faith but I could have my house raised to the ground and rebuilt to my own specifications, especially giving me more scope for hospitality. As far as money is concerned I would want to pay off my children's mortgages, help my church and travel in some luxury which would include a new car.
4. Do you set goals for yourself? If so what is one you are working on now?
A bit ambiguous for me this question as I do not really set goals, I prefer to be open to God's leading, but I do like to plan in my mind which I see as different to a goal. At the moment I am working on de-cluttering my house, and thinking about spring cleaning and some house decoration that we need to do and some things that need replacing. This of course is much dependent on whether hubby agrees or not!
5. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
Again a difficult question because if I changed the things I don't like about myself I would not be me. I prefer to allow God to do the changing. I would prefer never to suffer anxiety or depression or fear but those are the things that God has used to grow me on my journey.

This photograph is of the house in Devon where Alan and I spent our honeymoon over Christmas of 1959. It belonged to friends of my Aunt's who owned Palmer's Biscuit factory and they had just bought it to run as a guest house. We were their first guests. It was on the edge of Dartmoor.

The authors say that blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming. This blog invests in the PROXIMITY in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that even more friendships are propagated. I pass this award on to Susan of Penless Writer as above.

And Memaw of It Came to Pass awarded me this Lemons to Lemonade award which is apparently for showing a grateful attitude. I pass this on to Susan of Adventurous Living
I appreciate the thoughts and kindness of these awards and the people who have sent them to me and the people to whom I have passed them on.
Hi, Barbara -
Thank you for sharing your interview. I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts.
When you finish decluttering and decorating your home why don't you come over and help with mine? Wouldn't we have fun together. I doubt we would get much done for all of the chatting and visiting we would do over tea!
Thankyou for sharing Barbara. 'Palmer's 'biscuits, I wonder if they became 'Huntley and Palmers' , I seem to remember that name a few years ago. I don't know if they are still in business though.
Thanks for letting me interview you, Barbara. I love your answers, and yes we have come to know each other so well I was not a bit surprised at any of your answers. You are a wonderful Woman of God!!!
Thanks for the award. I accept it from you with honor.
"I cannot foresee the future,"
--Really? :) bummer, i'd have some q's for you then!
I like your answers to greatest triumph as well as all of them too. Wise.
I really am enjoying reading the different interviews through the blogging world. It is such an interesting concept. Your answers were wonderful.
Good luck with your decluttering. I could use some here too.
Enjoyed reading your interview! I too enjoyed reading your answers!
Hello Barbara,
I'm over from Susan's.
Those were great answers to thought-provoking questions.
God bless
ok, funny, the 'word verification' is 'answer'!
congratulations on the awards and thank you very much for taking part in the interview!
Your trust and faith and love of our Lord shines through in your answers. A God-led life, is there any better way to live? Lovely answers to intriguing questions. You seem very content where you are and that's beautiful, Barbara. Indeed you do live in a very beautiful corner of the world.
A thoughtful and interesting interview.
You have a very good attitude. I do agree about the anxiety but - but you take the rough with the smooth.
Lovely looking hotel near Dartmoor.
Best to Alan!
Very good questions, Susan...very well thought out answers, Barbara!
Well said - each reply! There's a rest and enjoyment of life when we rest in Him!
That was a great interview. I love your perspective on living. Great wisdom my friend.
Looks like you were doing some blog keeping today as well as that spring house cleaning you have in mind.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I found you in such an interesting way. I love this post. I love the honesty with which you answered the questions. Particulary #5. Congrats on your award and I hope you recieve many, many more.
I was born in 1959 in the Catskills of upstate NY. I see you were very nearby celebrating something very special! How lovely. If you visit my blog you'll see I'm on vacation, but I'm still exploring. Rather than lurk I decided to stop by and say hello. What a beautiful blog and what a beautiful place to call home.
P.S. You will never, in a million years believe the WV!!! "bleassu" Swear to God!
Barbara, a wonderful interview...yes you are brave to share yourself as you do on your blog. That's a good thing to be; you reveal the Lord to us through your words. You are an example to me, particularly in your honesty and openness.
Hia barbara, well doen for being so brave. I am a cowardly custard when it come to that sort of thing. :-)
Good luck with the de-cluttering. Son culled his room over half term and we had to make a trip to the tip as it wouldn't fit in the wheely bin. It still looks messy though! LOL
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