A few people have asked me recently to tell them something of our house church. How is it going, what are we doing?
I guess in a nutshell, we seek the presence of God, the Will of God, and life in the Spirit and endeavour to live daily from the revelation that brings. We also have lots fun.
This last Summer our leader, along with others from the church, travelled to the revival in Florida and were involved in mission trips to both India and Uganda. At the same time our House of Prayer was open every night of the week for 18 weeks for all the house churches to get together for a time of praise and worship and prayer and intercession for our neighbourhood and country.
Recently we opened the House of Prayer for 3 consecutive nights to watch and pray into a very challenging video (The Revival Hymn) which is on the internet at the following link, if anyone is interested.
Obviously we meet together for meals, and individually, and share as much of life as possible with some working in our school and within the wider ministry.
Our Sunday gatherings are varied and may take the form of prayer, praise and worship, teaching, sharing and praying for each other. Sometimes we meet early and begin with breakfast together. Other things we have done in the last few weeks are seen here in pictures.
Another Sunday we visited our local general hospital. This is a new hospital and the ground floor entrance area resembles an airport lounge, complete with grand piano. We visited in order to spend the morning praying there, the young children prayed too. We finished with a time of fellowship in the coffee shop.
What a lovely outreaching church you belong to. Thanks for sharing especially at this time of year when people wonder what Christmas is all about.
What a wonderful fellowship.
It's wonderful to see the photos of your house church. I was just reminiscing with The Professor this weekend about the way you have made a difference just on your street.
One can certainly sense His presence in all that you do within the body of the church.
That sounds like a great church. What a magnificent hospital that is.
Supplement? Must not be understanding that properly...some sort of lesson?
Your church sounds amazing and exhausting all at the same time. It must be that when one is moving in the Spirit as the Spirit directs, one has more energy than might have been imagined possible. I'm hoping that I'm stating that correctly.
Thank you for sharing this. I think the most wonderful thing is that everyone knows everyone and shares in the prayer and outreach and help; I guess I'm trying to say the small group for a house church helps everyone to be involved in daily community versus a traditional church where many only come on Sunday to hear the sermon.
Wow, a grand piano in the hospital lobby? My DH would be very impressed with that.
Sounds wonderful!
Wow, you are really blessed. I'm envious. I feel so alone and no one really can relate to me but they might think they do--yet I know I am differentand eccentric the older I get and yet am totally an outgoing extrovert type of guy!
Thanks for sharing more about your house church. I am so interested in how you function via the Holy Spirit direction and leading. I love, love the community emphasis of it all. I too am envious for this type of Christian community. Keep sharing; this is very encouraging and enlightening for I think many of us. I do know that when the Holy Spirit leads us the work is easy and the burden does seem light…those wonderful "Unforced Rhythms of Grace" again.
That sounds a very live church you have, outreach, giving, community spirit ,really doing the things we are asked to do.
God bless you all and your community of Christ. Our church, also, is making ready our Christmas boxes to take out next Saturday.
Thank you for sharing about your house church. What a wonderful community life you have. The Body of Christ is so diverse and creative - I just love hearing how God works.
Nice to hear all that you're doing. Blessings :)
What a wonderful Christian community you are part of!
Isn't it a blessing to us when we do for others....
Thanks for the visit and kind comment about the clay pot nativity....
I am so happy that you are a part of such an active meaningful group that loves the Lord. It sounds like you have a wonderful time and receive so many blessings helping others. Praise the Lord we have the freedom to worship and such sweet Christian friends!
That hospital is very impressive! You really never hear about new hospitals here. So many have closed since managed care is here. That hospital does look like an airport. I always love your posts.
Thanks for stopping by and for the "get well" wishes. I am some better... not all the way yet... this stuff is stubborn. I loved this post because it speaks of real 'community' which is something I think is not often achieved in the Body. We, in our little church here, have come as close to community as I have ever known. It's pretty amazing when the Lord does that in a group.
Love the afghan/throw... wowzer! What a lot of work! Beautiful.
Barbara, thank you for sharing these photos and giving a peek at your House Church. I so wish I had that here. How wonderful to be so closely knit in daily life, the whole of it, with other Spirit filled believers. This House Church sheds such a beautiful light on "brothers" and "sisters" in Christ. I think the way your church operates is the blue print laid out for us in the New Testament, and I believe with all of my heart that is why you are making such an impact in your community in the Kingdom. How beautiful the way you are all Spirit led and fed. I would love to hear and see more. Very encouraging.
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