This future scheduling did not work so here I am just back from Janie's and hoping it will post.
Having a go at a 'future scheduled post'. If you are reading this then it has worked! As we are cat sitting again I thought you might like to join me on a walk we did in May the last time we were cat sitting. There is another walk with much history of this lovely city under 'walking' on my sidebar.

One of the two cats we are looking after, a brother and sister who are difficult to photo together

We begin our walk in the centre of town with the cathedral tower in the background

Down the hill

Turning right past a pretty house

These are for Elizabeth at 'My House in Marrakesh'

Ducks sitting on a pavement outside a restaurant

Part of the old Roman wall

Cathedral popping up in the background again between a gap in the wall

Walking past a stream

Managed to photo one of dozens of rabbits

See we have nearly come full circle

Passing the lake before visiting the Roman Verulamium Museum
The Verulamium was the third largest city in Roman Britain
Worth a visit with virtual tours

Roman Mosaics AD150 - 300

People were cremated up until burials began in AD250
Here we see a mass grave where poor people were buried

And the coffins of the rich
Skeleton from 410AD

Reconstruction of a Roman fireplace
What a wonderful walk. Just heavenly.
hugs to you,
And we think we are advanced! The Romans had a lot over us 2000 years ago. I love the mosaics, simply stunning.
What fun to see a Moroccan restaurant in England. Thank you for thinking of me.
What a great tour.
Your roses in the post below are beautiful. Really nice!
A very beautiul tour!
Kind regards, and have a wonderful weekend, Maria
That was very interesting. The cathedral is much bigger than it looks when you see only the Norman tower in the distance.
I am surprised how "modern" those Roman painted wall decorations are. And I really love that fan-shaped mosaic.
Oh thank you for those gorgeous photos. The Roman wall is amazing! I had to click to look. And I just loved the photo of the gnarled tree... wonderful. The skeletons, though... kinda creepy. Some of the architecture in St. Albans is so like a drawing I did recently. Very familiar to me now.
Sorry about the scheduling thing. It has worked without fail for me with Blogger, which is one reason I wanted to start a blog there. Hope you can get that worked out, as sometimes it's a real time-saver for me.
Those Roman walls are quite familiar to me as we live next to a famous Roman village too. Sometimes I forget how big the whole Roman Empire was...covering whole Europe up to your country.
Oh, Barbara, I do always enjoy going on a walk with you. Thanks for taking me along. Lovely cat, BTW!
Did you try the marrakesh restaurant? : )
lovely pics and walk.
Lovely walk! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Barbara!!! "Life" has been crowding out my blogging time but I have a free day today and am visiting to say "hi".
you were practially in my neighborhood! :)
Wonderful photos of a Roman town. Roman walls, mosaics and ruins always fascinate me. I MAY be getting homesick for England already...
Hi Barbara,
After reading your post a while back on Rudyard Kiplings house i downloaded the film 'My boy Jack' - have you seen it? It was a good film, worth watching id say, its made me want to find some of Rudyards books. So thankyou for opening my eyes to another seemingly great author, can you believe i dont think ive even watched disneys 'Jungle Book'?!
I enjoyed this walk with you! Thank you.
Wonderful walk, thanks for sharing, my son was in St Albans the other day, with the camera but he didn't use it! Such a shame.
Always a delight to just walk along with you Barbara...your world is beautiful and most interesting....good blessings....Dee Dee
Sorry to read that the scheduling failed...ackkk, hope I can get mine to work.
Wonderful tour as always with lots of historical interest. Cremation until 250 AD? Interesting.
The Romans were very advanced indeed with fantastic skills and abilities.
It's a quiet Sunday afternoon and I thought I would get caught up on some blogs. I was thrilled to see all the photos you shared of your time in St. Albans and can see why my daughter loved to visit there!
You have taken some wonderful pictures and given us such a great description.
Thank you for sharing!
Joanne in Canada
A beautiful walk as always.
Lovely photos. St Albans is a lovely town. I once did the St Albans marathon!!
Love the duck pic. Peking duck anyone??
Good Morning Barbara.....
I enjoyed my trip around St. Albans.... Its been years since my last visit. My daughter Julia did her training there. I do agree, the Verulamium Museum is a fascinating place.
I like the way pussy cat has opted for a comfy place on the bed. Marion
Extraordinary images. So much scenery, history.... The ancient Roman painted wall plasters look so strikingly about timeless, classic style!
And thanks for those mosaic pics....ancient mosaics being one of my very favourite things....
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