I had no option but to take it to the professionals and am amazed to find that they are stumped over the problem too. It looks like a complete rebuild and that means also paying for everything to be backed up first as I do not want to rely on my external hard drive at the moment.
My son says everything is on my external hard drive (I had been backing it up after all) but he says it is in an encrytped form. I AM TAKING NO CHANCES! I am told though that when I receive my computer back it will be as good as when it left the factory. This is going to end up the most expensive new keyboard and mouse imaginable. Hopefully I will have it back by tomorrow evening.
On the family front, dear little Oliver will be 2 on Saturday. Hard to believe. Even harder to believe is the fact that my son Peter was 40 last weekend. He's enjoying himself in Venice at the moment. Not forgetting Janie who has had a birthday this month too.
On to some awards before posting on this weekend at Pilgrims Hall which I will do separately.

I will take this opportunity of saying a big thank you to all who comment on my blog and especially regulars. Very much appreciated and it is amazing how these turn into cyberspace friendships.
Oh no! Well, the good news is that all the information is still there. Hope someone is able to uncrypt, decrypt or whatever the correct term is.
Congrats on the awards. They seem to be coming in multiples these days. And you have one that I've not seen before...the Commenters' one.
Yay! Oliver's two! I know what you mean about time flying. I got to spend some time watching my grands over the weekend and they just amaze me with all that they do and it wasn't so very long ago when...
Have fun with your computer when you get it back again. I still haven't taken your advice about the pictures, which I really.need.to.do.
Catch you later...
Oh, meant to say how much your comments made me chuckle. I know! When I finally get around to doing something. ;>
Hi Barbara,
So sorry to hear about your computer woes. Such a bother! Hopefully they'll be resolved sooner, rather than later and you'll be back to having your own computer again!!
Thanks for the award, Barbara. I'm happy that you consider my blog fun to read. I think yours is fun too!
Congratulations Barbara. You deserve all the accolades and awards. I like that little froggie, he is so cute!
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