Saturday 22 April 2017

10 Years and Where to Go From Here!

I'm sitting here at my computer with all kinds of thoughts running through my head about blogging. I have published so few posts in recent months that I know I am losing followers. Also I have not visited other blogs as much as I have wanted to.
It feels like I am running out of ideas after 10 years but I don't think it's really that, it's more that I've set myself too high a standard and think I should always be posting lots of lovely photographs.
Having struggled with spinal degenerative changes and the resulting pain I have not been out and about like I used to so have not taken lots of photos.
I have also taken the easy way out with Facebook.
However when I really think about it I do NOT want to stop blogging. I have made too many friends and connections here and learned a lot so.............I am hoping to get out and about more this year as I learn to pace myself and manage pain. We have a holiday booked for next month (having cancelled our holiday last year) and I will be testing the waters and learning to keep within my new limits. Two years ago I could walk all day and climb up and down hills, now it is keeping to the flat as much as possible (not so easy in this country - we even live on a hill). 
I don't want to sound all negative, I know there are many people, and much younger, much worse off than me and I feel blessed. 
So here goes...................

This is the latest area where we took out 9 shrubs and grassed over last season and my new Spirea are doing well.

On the left we see what the winter does to our path and on the right we see what husband Alan does to make them right again.
At the same time he is moving them all closer together as when the ground was soggy in the winter I found it difficult striding out.

Not finished yet, but he is getting there. 
Pretty good for an 85 year old.

and here is dear Rebekah who was 8 last week enjoying the Gymnastic championships at the 02 Arena.
She loves her gymnastic classes and is very good at it.


Deanna said...

It's been a while since I popped into your blog. Your sweet Grand-daughter has grown up. I remember well her being a baby. Your stepping stones are nice. I am so sorry about your back pain.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I understand your pain, having back issues myself. I think the trick is to limit yourself, and not overdo.
Resetting the pavers is a huge task for any body-abled person, kudos for his achievement !
Your granddaughter is a beautiful young lady, I hope she continues with her love of gymnastics.

Lorrie said...

Hello Barbara,
I always enjoy reading your posts, and am glad that you do not plan to stop blogging. I'm sorry about your physical limitations, and hope that you will find a way to manage pain and activity. Your garden is always a pretty sight!
Rebekah is growing into a lovely young lady.

Elizabethd said...

I think you are right to take a bit of a step back, Barbara. I cut down the amount of times I post now, partly because life tends to be the same, and not always interesting to others. Partly because I don't have the same enthusiastic energy now!
But I always like looking at your garden photos.

Patsy said...

We just like to hear from you and your family. Garden photo's
would keep us happy.
I was doing great last year not so much this year.
All the test they put me thorough just show I am getting old.

RasmaSandra said...

Doing a great job there in the garden. You know you can perhaps go through some of your old photos and put together memory stories or something like that. No reason to stop blogging in you really enjoy it.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I am glad that you plan to continue with your blogging. I understand how you are feeling. I haven't been posting as often as I used to. I'm hoping the change in season will give me a bit more inspiration. Sometimes there are things I think I may blog about, but then decide that maybe they would not be very interesting to others to read about.

The stepping stones in your yard look very nice.

Your grand daughter looks so happy to be at her gymnastics championships. My daughter did gymnastics from the time she was 5 on up to high school when she became a cheerleader. I think it is a good thing for kids to have athletic activities. My daughter is 34 now. She doesn't do gymnastics anymore but enjoys running in marathons. I was never an athlete, badminton was an extreme sport for me, but I think it would have been better for me had I been more athletic.

I hope that your pain will be more manageable so that you may continue to enjoy your gardening and photography activities.

Come Away With Me said...

Your winding path of square stones has always been a lovely sight in your garden, and I appreciate its gentle curving line - very graceful looking. And with them being set closer together by the wonderful Alan, once that is done, you, too, will be graceful as you step out upon the path!! All prayers for your pain management program; I know it can make a big difference in quality of life once limits are set and held to. As you know, the Musician has had to learn that lesson over the past years and I've learned from watching him. It does seem that blogging has slowed down too for many of us, so I am very grateful that you aren't giving it up completely like so many others have done. We have all made some wonderful friends and shared our hearts and that's something if great value. I look forward to your vacation posts when they come along. Much love to you!

Vee said...

Barbara, it warms my heart and lifts my spirit that you do not want to give up blogging. So many have gone to other social media...FB, and, in my case, Instagram. Nothing is the same as blogging, though. It is a unique and special way of communicating. You could tell me about washing and drying the dishes and I'd be pleased to read it. Alan is amazing for getting that path reset. Closer will be better. Take care, Dear Heart.

ellen b said...

Things change and it's good to assess how to move forward. The connections and relationships that are gained through blogging are hard to step away from. I'm hoping you find a good balance on how to move forward. I hope you have a good holiday.

Anonymous said...

Barbara, glad to see you are still energized by blogging! I too have been wrestling with the facebook vs. blogging tension. They are quite different! I recently shifted back to my blog. I enjoy your blog and celebrate all the joy and beauty in your posts! - Suz

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

I myself now only post about once a week. So I do understand and I understand the pain you are in. Jack has degenerative arthritis in his spine and constant sciatica issues. I will be praying for you.

Elizabeth said...

Do continue your blog! I always find it interesting.I share your feelings a bit about blogging. Slightly run out of puff and am doing a bit more Facebook. But I have met such lovely people - including you and Alan!

I’m so sorry your back is painful and bothersome. How hard it is to concentrate on anything if you are in pain! No easy solutions to that one, sadly.
Sunny but chilly day here.
Gosh, what a grown up young lady Rebekah is!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Congrats on your 10 years! Sorry you are dealing with changes there. As we age we all tend to do that and have to pace ourselves differently. I work a little these days and rest a lot. What a lot of work was done to reset the walk, but it will make it easier. Looks so very nice too. Hope you can enjoy your holiday and take loads of pictures.

Linda said...

Your granddaughter is lovely, our oldest grandson will be 10 this year. I have cut down on blogging as well. I recently tried Instagram, kind of like mini blogging, on the recommendation of some blogging friends. It is a lot quicker and I'm enjoying it, more so than Facebook. I've settled into once a week blogging and I'll see how it goes from there. Enjoy the nice weather that is coming.

Kay G. said...

10 years, you should be proud!
Oh, the walkway in your garden, it so makes me "homesick" for England!
Your husband did a great job on that, make him a cup of tea for me! :-)

Louca por porcelana said...

I am glad I stopped by!Congratulations on your ten years!Hugs,Maristella.

Terri said...

Lovely to see your blog on my reader list. Sorry to hear you have troubles... Try Blue Emu Oil. It rubs on and tames the irritated nerves, and doesn't have that medicine smell.
Looking forward to your vacation pictures.

CherryPie said...

I am sorry that you are suffering pain which is stopping you from being as active as you would like.

I am sure you will adapt to a new pace so that you can enjoy taking photos again. I am looking forward to seeing them :-)

Needled Mom said...

I've had similar thoughts on blogging, but I just can't give up the friendships that I have made over the years. I hope you can work it out and continue to blog as I always enjoy your posts.

Your granddaughter is so grown up now and so pretty.

nikkipolani said...

Well, Barbara, I'm glad you're taking a moment to evaluate the level of activity you can take on. I'm sorry the pain management has meant a curbing of some of your activities. But I'm sure you will find a way for your favorites. Being busy and finding time for meaningful visits with blogging friends -- this is challenging and I can certainly relate.

In any case, good job to your dear husband for getting those stepping stones repositioned!

Garden Fancy said...

Hi Barbara, I understand your feelings about blogging -- a few weeks ago I gave myself permission to stop because I hadn't been posting or reading for a while. But then I visited a few blogs and realized that I liked to catch up on what was happening in other bloggers' lives and gardens. I decided that I would try to post once or twice a month, and only about my own gardens or my indoor houseplants -- not about gardens I've visited. I think I lose something when visiting a garden and thinking about taking photos for my blog, instead of just enjoying the garden and people I'm with. I still take photos, but only for my own enjoyment and for ideas for my own gardens.

Although I certainly love the quintessential English spots that I would never "visit" or "see" without your posts, I would also be more than happy just to see what's flowering in your own gardens, and read about how you and your family are doing. I hope you'll continue to post occasionally about these topics, and that your back will feel better soon. Take care of yourself. Best Regards, -Beth

Adrienne said...

We are traveling for several weeks and I've not had consistent internet access so I could check in here. Like you, I have slowed with my blog posts. Sometimes I wonder if I should stop and then I realize how much I do enjoy the occasional contact to share something that touches my heart. I love reading of your ventures, dear friend, and I will pray for your pain. I'll see you on Facebook, too!

Ag said...

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. I have always found your posts very interesting whether it be travel and history, your garden,church activities and your grandchildren. I've missed some topics but my point is to let you know that I and from what I've read in your comments, enjoy your posts very much.
I know that it is sometimes difficult when you are having to deal with pain, but just do what you feel you want to.
Your garden will be very nice to see in posts.
I must comment on Rebekha, and how well she has done with her gymnastics, I remember seeing a post on her on a balance beam quite a while ago and she has grown into a lovely young lady.

Charm and Grace said...

Dear Barbara, I would sorely miss your posts, photos or no photos, if you decided to give up blogging altogether. I do know the feeling of it being overwhelming, and also putting pressure on yourself to "do it right" by posting lots of photos and interesting content. I have had similar struggles. But, when it comes down to it, we just all want to know you're still there and doing well. I am so sorry to hear you're still in such pain. We will continue to pray with you about that. And you're not being negative, just honest. I am extremely impressed with the stone path reworking done by Alan.