Sunday 2 October 2016

Another Street Party for our Queen's 90th Birthday

Having posted a little while ago on our street party where we celebrated Her Majesty's 90th birthday I never got around to posting another one that we attended in July.
This is the street party given by King's Heart church for the neighbours in the road.
We attended this church for 6 years in the past so know people well. 

Here we see a singer from West End musicals ( her name has gone straight out of my mind) who is a friend of the church worship leader who wrote and directed the show Love Beyond that I attended and posted on in November 2013 (my goodness how time flies) She has an  amazing voice and sang for about 2 hours in all.

Birthday card made for our Queen by the children and taken up to the Palace that evening

Birthday cake made by Hazel one of the church members

The children being encouraged to join in the singing

A great rendition of the National Anthem to finish


ellen b said...

Looks like a fun celebration. and nice that you could catch up with people you know.

Needled Mom said...

That looked like another fun and festive celebration. Love the cake!

Vee said...

The Queen must take pleasure in knowing that people gather not only to honor her, but to have a time being together in such a positive way. It certainly looks like fun and I can tell that it was a proper celebration.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

What a wonderful celebration and party.

Come Away With Me said...

It's lovely that the people celebrate the Queen's birthday. The birthday cake is quite impressive.

Summer said...

Such a wonderful celebration for the Queen ☺ Happy Friday ♥

Willow said...

What a fun celebration! Happy Birthday to the Queen!

Linens and Royals said...

Wish I could have been at the street party but I did celebrate the Special Royal Birthday in my own way. Now I am busy with tapestry and cross stitch samplers to mark the event.
I am also having trouble with Windows10 and photos and am waiting for family help.

Ag said...

What a lovely party for the Queen and great that you knew a lot of the people there.
I also have trouble with Windows 10, I cannot even get my pictures to attach to an email. Very annoying.
I left you a comment posted from my iPad and it always seems to disappear, so I am redoing this from my computer.
Also, I emailed you back. . .from my iPad so I am wondering if you even got it?
I hope you are feeling somewhat better Barbara.