Monday 25 April 2016

I Have Not Dropped Off The Face of the Earth!

I am still here but realise that another month has gone by since my last post.
All sorts of reasons.
The inertia of dealing with some difficult life situations. I am not ill and my family are fine (in case you are wondering). Of course as each year passes I am aware that I do not have the energy that I once had which I find difficult to accept.
Decorating has been on the menu too and that's not finished!

We have had, and are continuing to have, so much rain this Winter/Spring with garden flooding which has slowed down the re-modelling of the garden,  but I am still in the process of cutting back, digging out (husband and son helping with the latter) in order to make the garden more manageable for the future. 
There will be more mowing of course with all the extra turfing.
I am actually enjoying the more open space and was not sure that I would after having so many beds in the garden.

I have continued to have computer problems but am now, from last week, the owner of a new desktop model. My Laptop (which I really don't need these days with an i-pad and smart phone) has just about given up the ghost. 

The Grandchildren are growing up - Rebekah has just turned 7 and had an interesting birthday party. They had just returned from holiday the night before and Bekah had to go to her Gymnastics class in the afternoon so my daughter Jane decided on a  theme that would be fun and keep the children occupied.

After a disco time, they prepared their own party food!

Simple Pizzas

then decorated their own cakes and cookies

The birthday girl

Grandma and Granddad got to go to Gymnastics too then back at the house watched a display of Bekah on her new (birthday present) balancing board

I'll finish with my latest cookies which are so 'melt in the mouth' delicious with crunchy butterscotch pieces



Vee said...

Yay for that! (Not dropping off the earth.) Oh Bekah is so cute and I think her mother is brilliant! I know that those girls enjoyed making their own pizzas and decorating their own cupcakes. So you have a little gymnast on your hands? Very cool.

May your weather moderate in time for May so that you have perfect days for completing your projects. I am glad that you are enjoying the more open design and I know that you will appreciate the ease of care. I was tempted to add yet another garden spot and thought better of it immediately.

Terri said...

I've been gone from blogging, too, Barbara. So happy to hear from you. Your Grandgirl is very pretty. Cookies look amazing.

Patsy said...

Glad you and family are well. This downsizing for our old age was
dramatic. But excited to have it over and living in this lovely
place with many christian friends.

ellen b said...

Hello there. You have been busy. That's a great idea to have the kids decorate their own cakes and cookies! Fun. Now I'm hungry...

CherryPie said...

Your garden remodeling project chimes with me. At long last I have some help with the heavy work, so that I can get my garden how I want it :-)

Needled Mom said... mouth is now drooling with that last photo! You are always so busy so I can't imagine you slowing down. ;-)

Your garden looks so open with all that you have done. I am sure it is much more manageable too.

Happy birthday to your granddaughter. I love the party theme and I am sure the girls loved it too. Gymnastics is a wonderful sport for the children.

Lorrie said...

It's always nice to see a post pop up from you. Gardening can be exhausting. Minimizing the work sounds like a great idea.

Your granddaughter's birthday party looks like a fun time. It's always good when children can get involved and do things rather than be fully entertained. What a good experience to decorate and make pizzas.

I hope the rain soon stops.

Anonymous said...

I love hearing about the goings-on over where you live.
Your garden will be beautiful even with more open space. I always remember your lovely roses.
Can you imagine have a birthday party as fun and cute as your granddaughters? What a great time!
Bekah looks like she is working very hard on her balancing, well done.
As far as energy goes, you certainly inspire me to keep healthy and keep on my toes.
Thank you for sharing this delightful post Barbara.

Elizabeth said...

Good to hear all your news!
Simplifying the garden is probably a good plan.
Rebekkah's party looks most suitable.
Children really like making their own food - much more fun than bought stuff.
I have been a very lazy blogger lately.
All best to you both.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I do know what you mean about not being able to do what we used to. It is discouraging at times when you can't get things done . I do a little these days and then rest a lot. Little by little it still gets done, just not as fast as it used to. The important thing to remember is that we are still doing ! It looks like your granddaughter had a wonderful party! Glad you could enjoy it all too ! The cookies do look delicious!

Come Away With Me said...

Here's hoping the rains go away soon. You always take such good care of your garden and I certainly enjoyed it while I was there. And I guess that was 7 years ago now, as it was the same year as Bekah's birth! Wow. She has grown into a lovely young girl and one with good balance, judging by the photo of her on the balance board! Looks like a very fun party for 7 year olds. And your butterscotch cookies do look luscious.

Janneke said...

As I see your granddaughter had a wonderful birthday party, what's better than decorating your own cakes and eating pizzas....
We also started already to make the garden more manageable for the future with more open space and I like it.
Glad you are back again.

Willow said...

You've definitely had a busy month. I'm sure you will enjoy the results of all your garden labors in the summer.
Happy Birthday to Bekah!

RasmaSandra said...

Bekah is adorable. I sure hope all of her special dreams come true.

Garden Fancy said...

Family is what's important -- we'll be here whenever you get around to posting something. :-) I look forward to seeing photos of your remodeled areas, especially the garden. Hope you're enjoying your spring! -Beth

Adrienne said...

It was good to hear from you again. I haven't been blogging as often as I used to do. And, like you, I find my energy isn't what it used to be. Life has a way of bringing things that are important and it's good to know we can 'disappear' for a bit when we need to. Hugs to you!