Thursday 26 February 2015

Exploring Tea Part 1

For all my tea loving friends across the world I have a treat in store. I will be doing a series of posts over the coming weeks/months. Two things recently got me thinking about posting on the subject of tea again.

The first was the fact that my son recently visited some tea plantations while on holiday in Bangladesh.
He brought back bags of tea direct from the plantations.

Secondly I came across  Newby Teas when looking for a good quality Peppermint tea
It certainly was good and tastes more like the fresh tea I make at home during the Summer when my own Mint plants are growing
I am looking forward to trying more of their many teas over time.
For now I will leave you with a taster of interesting facts from Newby website

Victoria and Albert Museum (in London) Tea Gown
The tradition of taking tea in the “afternoon” conjures up images of sophisticated, beautifully-dressed ladies socialising over cups of steaming Assam tea. Tea gowns were invented for such events. Above we have a picture showing a tea gown by the celebrated designer Charles Worth, with luxurious flowing fabrics of pink satin, silk and lace. The tea gown could be worn without a corset and this allowed women to feel relaxed and liberated whilst taking tea with their friends.
The custom for fashionable ladies to take tea in the afternoon existed from the end of the 17th century- Madame de Sévigné (1626-1696) often referred to “five o’clock tea” in her letters. The tradition for Afternoon Tea gained popularity in the Victorian era and such social occasions called for larger and more impressive sets of silver and ceramic tea services.
Hope you enjoyed - do come back there is much more to come.


Schnitzel and the Trout said...

I so enjoyed this post and look forward to more. I think in America, we are missing out on afternoon tea. Have never been a tea drinker unless I was ill, had a sore throat or bad cold. I know nothing about brewing, selecting, but I hope you will enlighten me. I do enjoy Earl Grey and Chamomile on occasion. Thank you. Such a handsome son!!!

Needled Mom said...

This is going to be an interesting series. The British know their teas like no one else.

Pondside said...

What a treat for you from your son!
My mother always made peppermint tea from her own plants and......though married as late as 1950, she had a tea gown in her trousseau. We loved to dress up in it. I don't think Mum every wore it - by then afternoon tea was something else altogether.

Elizabeth said...

I'm so glad I won't have to wear a corset for going out to tea!
This series of posts promises to be really interesting.
Tea is an utterly fascinating topic.
I'm sadly addicted to PG Tips but always interested i trying other tastes.

ellen b said...

Love the fact that the dresses were fashioned to eat more comfortably!

Terri said...

Lovely to see you this morning, Barbara. Your header cheered me up. It's so dreary here today... trying to rain, but not. Your garden is so pretty.
Love the Tea dress.

Patsy said...

Thanks! I did enjoy and looking forward to more tea story's.
With Downton Abby I love the formal dinners and dress and hats.

Elizabethd said...

Teatime as we knew it seems to be forgotten now. Grandma always had a trolley with delicious home made things on, and tea was taken from her silver teapot (which I still have) Very gracious!

Sue said...

Can't wait! I hope you explain how to make an authentic cup of English tea...tea pot, diffuser, et al...

Lorrie said...

I always enjoy reading about tea and tea customs from the past or other places in the world. It's something that draws many cultures together.
I am glad that wearing corsets is longer necessary and we can be comfortable drinking tea whenever we like!

I like to dry my own peppermint for tea. I mix it with lemon verbena and lemon balm.
You've begun a fun series, Barbara.

Vee said...

Was the tea that your son brought back as fresh and delicious as I imagine it would be? I am not a fan of peppermint tea, though I am quite sure there are healthful reasons why I should be. That tea gown is lovely...had no idea about the lack of a corset...seems like a fine idea to me.

Come Away With Me said...

Looking forward to more! I agree with Ellen about loving that the tea dresses were designed to be comfortable and relaxed - no tiresome corsets while drinking tea! And I know first-hand that you can make an excellent cup of tea, and also many delicious treats to accompany it.

ChrisJ said...

My afternoon tea is English Breakfast and three -- yes, three, chocolate biscuits (cookies) Usually taken on the back porch (when it's warm enough, which it is most days by now), by the creek with a pair of binoculars by my side, at around 3:00 pm.

CherryPie said...

I look forward to the upcoming posts on tea. I have recently got back into drinking herbal and fruit teas.

La Petite Gallery said...

Hello Barbara, Hope you had a mild winter. This sounds exciting, travel to the Plantations. Love tea and miss the elegance of that gown.I just made scones with sour cream, came out great.

Anonymous said...

Such fun to look forward to some interesting posts about tea. At the moment I am using Yorkshire Gold Tea and I love it. I have also tried herbal teas time and again, but I have never really found a favourite one.
The picture of your striped tea pot sitting on the embroidered cloth is very cheery. I can imagine that you have heard some interesting things from your handsome son about the tea plantations.
Thank you Barbara for your interesting topics, I always enjoy reading your blog.

RasmaSandra said...

Made me think of afternoon teas in long white dresses and wide brimmed hats on fashionable patios. Enjoyed this.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good series about tea. I normally don't drink tea but really enjoy it at a Tea Room! Jane

Merisi said...

Thank you, Elizabeth, for this introduction to your tea series! I am looking forward to future posts.

Deanna said...

Gorgeous Tea Gown!