Saturday 1 November 2014

Polkerris, Cornwall.

This was our last full day in Cornwall and I really felt I wanted a quiet, relaxing day close by

We drove to the top of the cliff via. a winding single track lane (lots if these in Cornwall) from where we were staying, passing Kilmarth, the last home of the writer Daphne De Maurier, for a view before driving down to the harbour
We are looking across St. Austell Bay from the East side this time.

We have parked the car

and arrive at this tiny Hamlet where there is little more than a few cottages, an Inn, restaurant, shop, cafe and a gallery.

the tide is on it's way out and as you can see the water comes up close

We wandered the sands 

and falling cliffs

Polkerris is a popular place for beginners of windsurfing and water sports because of it's sheltered position 

and rock pools

before walking back

to The Rashleigh Inn on the Beach for lunch

It was a hot and sunny day and most people preferred to sit outside - however we preferred  the coolness and tranquillity inside 

I also had this darling cat for company

The food was delicious and I wondered how I would ever get through this enormous freshly caught whole Plaice in a butter and Caper sauce
Alan being a man opted for the steak pie and mash

the cat was trained to not ask people for food but was very pleased when I asked him to help me out when I had finished all I could manage
(this is rural Cornwall remember and not a city restaurant!)

After eating  we continued to wander around this peaceful place

Most of the surrounding land here belongs to the Rashleigh family of Menabilly which was made famous by Daphne Du Maurier and her husband 
Sir Frederick Browning

 and visited a lovely gallery with very expensive pottery and paintings

The tide is out now and Mum's have brought their young children to enjoy the beach

 We sat on a wall for a while enjoying the warmth of the sun. I really did not want to leave this peaceful setting as we had been out visiting places all day, every day for a week but knew we needed to get back to our cottage and prepare for leaving the next day.

I still have 2 more postings on Cornwall so do come back and enjoy.


ChrisJ said...

Sounds -- and looks wonderful. I have never been to Cornwall. It's just one of the places we never got to when we lived in England. No relatives down that way and too far away from Yorkshire. Looking forward to your other posts.

Needled Mom said...

It looks like a great spot to have a restful visit. The weather looked perfect too.

Come Away With Me said...

That looks like a good way to spend the last day before your long drive home. My mother loved Daphne du Maurier's novels but I am not all that familiar with her works. I'm sure I've read a few a very, very long time ago, and seen one or two movies at some time though.

I do love those wide beaches and the blue skies you are showing us here.

Elizabethd said...

To my shame I have never visited Polkerris, but one day , maybe.....

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thank you for the beach pictures. I needed that this cold November morning. I could just feel the sand on my feet and the warmth of the sun. What a wonderful place and such beautiful views.

Mary said...

I've been enjoying your photos of Cornwall, as it reminds me of the beautiful scenes in the original series Poldark. I'd love to travel there someday.

Winifred said...

I've been to Devon a few times but never Cornwall. Such a long way to drive these days.

Your photos are lovely, looks like it was a wonderful break. Sun, sea, good food & a cat. Who could ask for more!

Lorrie said...

Oh - the King's General by DuMaurier features the Rashleighs of Menabilly at the time of the English Civil War. I reread that story every couple of years. Menabilly was also the setting for Rebecca, I believe, although she renamed it Manderley. Such history, both real and imaginative in Cornwall.

Sharon said...

What a wonderful trip!Thank you for sharing it with us.I love being able to travel England via your blog.I may never get to see the land of my ancestors but can see it through your delightfully lovely blog. :)Thank you~Sharon Cox Goemaere

nikkipolani said...

Barbara, Barbara. What a breath of fresh sea air you've given me! I so enjoyed all the scenes of the water and sand. Seems like with fewer "attractions" it might've been a quieter place to visit. And your meal looked scrumptious indeed.

Deanna said...

Blessings to you. What a lovely place to see and then dine having delicious food.

It's been a while since I popped into to see what your part of the world is doing. The landscape is truly beautiful.
