Friday 27 June 2014

My Garden in June and..........

I am enjoying having all the mid-garden and centre shrubs gone
I enjoy seeing to the bottom of the garden from my kitchen window

The above is an evening scene as the light is fading

The latest new rose bed

I am pleased at how it is developing and good to watch the colours develop and change as the flower matures

My quirky area at the bottom that replaced the shed and greenhouse is maturing too

These Strawberry Hill roses are a dream and the perfume fills the house indoors

part of the new bed

and here a peep at a bush in the front

From the front
This little duck I bought for the garden but right now I am liking him indoors

Another four flower heads from the front

and do you like this? A friend who is the young Mother of five beautiful children is starting a little business making what she calls "Treasured Letters"
I had these made to sit with photos of our 40th and 50th wedding anniversaries  - another 5 years to 60th, hopefully!

I'll  finish with a look at the sky around 10 pm
For those that have asked, I now have access to my blog and can comment on yours
After days and days of getting things sorted my mail box E-mail address has not changed but I am having to use a Hotmail address to access my blog and a gmail address for the rest of Google sites
It has been very stressful as there was a point where I wondered if I could ever get into my blog again
My friend Lin has been an angel


Annie Jeffries said...

If i couldn't create a garden as pretty as this. I would want to be your neighbor so i could look over the fence.

Come Away With Me said...

Mmmm, the Strawberry Hills are my favorite, and the deep reds in the first photo come in next for me! They are all so beautiful and if only you could also send us the fragrance via the internet!

Needled Mom said...

Your roses are absolutely stunning. I love all of the colors in the garden now. The English roses are always so pretty and smell heavenly.

Vee said...

Very glad that your blogging woes have been straightened round thanks to Lin.

It is easy to see why you would love being able to see to the far end of the garden. The size of your roses is amazing and the!

Deanna said...

Barbara, Your garden is gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

I always love seeing your garden

Gracie Saylor said...

So sorry for your blogging troubles, Barbara :( but glad your friend was able to help you :)

I love seeing your roses and can almost imagine I can smell them~~~~~wonderful! Our Jacob's Coat roses are in bloom now and we are enjoying them, too.

Cheering you on for five more years or better yet as my Orthodox friends sing, "God grant you many years."

Winifred said...

Those roses are gorgeous Barbara.

I hope your friend's business succeeds, she's very talented. Those letters are really lovely & such a nice place to keep them too.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I do love roses and enjoyed seeing yours. I only have one rose bush which is in full bloom right now. It'll continue throughout the summer and is a welcome sight every time I walk out my door. Hope you are having a wonderful summer.

La Petite Gallery said...

Barbara, I bet that garden smells so good. What a spot to relax in the evening. Wish I could drop over for a spot of tea and smell the roses. yvonne

talesfromagarden said...

What magnificent roses,love the pink climbing variety!

CherryPie said...

I am glad you have got your blog sorted out. Your garden is looking lovely :-)

Lorrie said...

How lovely are your Strawberry Hill roses. Their name and colour evoke strawberries and cream.
I'm sorry you've had blogging woes - there's seems to be an epidemic of those lately.
The quirky area of your garden is filled with charm.

Bernideen said...

Your roses are so lovely and what a wonderful site out the kitchen window!

Garden Fancy said...

Your roses are a vision of loveliness -- perfection itself! What a beautiful time in your garden. Thanks so much for sharing it with us -- lucky us! -Beth

Elizabeth said...

June roses!
Bliss indeed. I see you have lots of 'old-fashioned' roses which are so lovely.
David Austin?
Only drawback, I found, was that they flop a bit in vases indoors - but so pretty and fragrant.
What a nightmare with Hotmail, and Google and all that...very maddening.
I have the same problem with my iPhone which thinks I'm part of Robert's system when I'm not.
Can't wait for Henry, aged four, to get old enough to fix everything for me technically!

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

Your garden is beautiful Barbara and the roses are spectacular. Those 'treasures letters' are a lovely addition to your shelf.

Diane at My Cottage Garden said...

Your garden and roses take my breath away. We aren't able to (realistically) grow your English-type roses here, but I was in New York last week and saw to front yards full of them. Of course I stopped and smelled them.


Gwen said...

Your roses are stunning! Now I want some Strawberry Hill roses for my garden. :) I love how you planted things in between the pavers. Very charming!

Anonymous said...

Your roses are beautiful. I have been waiting to see the results of your planting efforts of last year.
You had a keen eye and a vision of what your garden would be and it shows.
Quirky corner would be the perfect place to sit with a cup of tea.
I can only imagine the lovely fragrances as you wander through your garden of beauty.