Wednesday 14 May 2014

It's Not All Fun!

Well some of it is
We meet again with Joyce and Don from Louisiana but this time it is just for a day at the Westfield Mall where I knew there were plenty of places to sit and linger
I met Joyce through blogging as my regular blog friends will know
The last two times we have met Joyce and Don have stayed in our home but this time they were staying in the centre of London

The day passed very quickly as there was so much to talk about and catch up on, and all too soon it was early evening and time to say our goodbyes.
The not so much fun for the week is my having dental surgery tomorrow to remove my last molar. It consists only of a crown and filled root so really hoping it does not break up.
My dentist insisted I arrange for 2 days rest afterwards as after the last extraction I had a dry socket and infection having gone on holiday 36 hours afterwards. He also told me to 'prepare myself mentally'  Now how is that to make one feel at ease!

Another fun bit is the fact that I now have my lights back up after the decorating.
I'll leave you for now with a few pics from walking through Mapperton Village in Dorset

Not often one sees a wool and haberdashery shop like this any more

The village square in the rain

and I do love 'live' car park walls!


elizabeth said...

Hope the tooth things goes well.
How bothersome they are -but much better, I think, than the previous generations 'teeth by the bed in a mug"!
Enviable wool shop!

Adrienne said...

I am praying for you, my friend. And wishing I could join you to enjoy a good visit and that haberdashery shop. Someday, maybe!

Vee said...

Praying that all goes very well with this extraction. The Lord certainly knows your concerns and He is your Source not that dentist. = D Of course, you will follow orders, right? What fun to meet your friends once again!

Needled Mom said...

Good luck with the dental work, Barbara. That is never fun.

It is always a thrill to get together with friends.

Terri said...

Hope your extraction goes well, and you are ready for a Holiday soon after.

Come Away With Me said...

Hope all goes well with the tooth procedure. At least you are not dashing off on holiday immediately after! You can rest and relax a bit.

Bernideen said...

What a lovely visit you all had. Hope everything goes well with your tooth! Tooth pain is no fun.

Diane at My Cottage Garden said...

SO nice you could meet someone from blogging! Lovely pictures.

Gracie Saylor said...

Wishing you well, Barbara!

Thanks for visiting my last posts. I am humbled to admit I can not figure out how to access your comments through Google + so I am not certain what you typed, but appreciate your efforts. I am still catching up on your news :)

Anonymous said...

I hope things go well with your dental treatment this time.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you had a good visit with your friend before the dreaded extraction. Dentists were never my favorite people at all. They do have a tough job knowing no one really likes them. Ha! Take good care and follow your doctors orders.

Lori Zehr said...

I love wool shops! I would have a hard time holding on to my money when confronted with all those wool choices! Blessings with the dentistry, trusting you will be well soon!

Midwest to Midlands said...

Good luck with your dental visit, at least you will have a nice clean home to recover in!

CherryPie said...

I hope your dental surgery has gone smoothly.

Winifred said...

Hope your trip to the dentist is not too painful & afterwards too.

Oh my that wool shop brings back such memories. I could spend hours in a shop like that if I could ever find one.

Willow said...

EVERY time I look at your photos I want to jump in to an airplane and head to England again!
If (WHEN) I get there, we can get together too :)
I hope your surgery has gone well.

La Petite Gallery said...

Those evergreen walls are beautiful.
I feel bad about that dry socket, OUCH! My Daughter worked for a Dentist for a few years.
Hope you feel better soon. Rest up. The place looks great. yvonne