Tuesday 17 December 2013

It's Christmas! - Along with Secret Santa

Decorations are up
Colour not good but so behind with Christmas preps, I decided not to play around with camera settings

Still lots of cards to make
At least the ones for posting have gone 
My theme this year had 'Peace and Hope' on the front 
with 'Joy' on the inside.

Secret Santa came and went Sunday evening
Ken's wife tagged him on Facebook with this photo
Said it reminded her of many years ago!
Our youngest member - 3 weeks old!
As you can see we have a very wide range of ages in our
house church.
Especially when everyone is here.
We are missing a family of 5 who are out in Australia with
YWam and some who are not well with seasonal bugs.

We will be altogether with the other house churches next Sunday for our joint Christmas celebration

I am hoping to post again before Christmas but just in case, I send Greetings to all readers and hope it is a Blessed time for you.


Terri said...

Looks like everyone is having a great time. Your decorations look warm and inviting. A lovely Christmas season.
If you don't read my blog sometime nearer to Christmas, Happy Christmas to you and all of yours.

Balisha said...

Merry Christmas Barbara. Hope your holidays are special.

Susan said...

Enjoyed ever picture.

Cathy said...

Barbara, I love the twig arrangement with the birds and spray of beads. What is the branch with the leaves still on it? And your cards are wonderful! Did you hand write the words yourself with a paint pen?

Vee said...

Everything is looking merry and bright. It is a pleasure to see your friends interacting, cuddling the babies, enjoying fellowship. A very Merry Christmas to you and Alan!

Gracie Saylor said...

Thank you, Barbara! Blessings to you and yours as well. I had a time of listening prayer with two women from our church this morning and I appreciated once more the family we have in Christ and the reason we are drawn together to celebrate! xx

Bernideen said...

I love that you made your cards! That is so meaningful!

Needled Mom said...

I am way behind on my Christmas this year too. I can't even begin to imagine making my own cards. Merry Christmas to you and your family too.

Come Away With Me said...

Hello Barbara, I am enjoying your Christmas tree vicariously and the warm hospitality obvious in your photos too. Fun to look at your house and remember our visit a few years ago. Wishing you a very blessed Christmas and much joy in the New Year. Joy and peace, deep and true, the real thing.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your decorations are very nice and I like how festive your house looks. So nice you make your cards. I've always thought it would be nice to do that but there are always is more demands for my time than I can handle this time of year. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Winifred said...

Lovely photographs Barbara. Happy Christmas to you & your family.

Elizabeth said...

Happy Christmas, Barbara and Alan
sending warm greetings from snowy New York.
Your house looks most festive and I loved the photo of the baby -very much in the spirit of the season!

a woman who is said...

Looks like you are getting all ready for your celebrations. I just stopped by for a quick hello, and to wish you all a very blessed and Merry Christmas! I always envy your house church...so special <3

Anonymous said...

Your home looks cozy and peaceful.
I have learned so much more about the history of England from your posts and you have a special gift in presenting the information to your readers.
Merry Christmas Barbara and Alan.
Many thanks from Canada

Trisha said...

Hey Barbara,
So good to see everyone enjoying the Christmas season. Such a Blessed time of year. Beautiful decorations, and the Spirit of Christmas, precious.

organicgardendreams said...

Hi Barbara, I envy you that you have all your decoration up. I am so late this year, I have to do it this weekend. I love your homemade Christmas cards. So nice that you take the time to make them yourself!
Wishing you Merry Christmas!

Cheri said...

Looks like a great time. I am so thankful that I have come to know you through our blogging and Christian beliefs. Have a blessed Christmas.