Monday 21 October 2013

The Scarecrow

Our church has a Christian school founded in the mid-seventies.
For the first time ever it was decided to hold an Autumn Fair.
I was asked if I would enter the scarecrow competition!
Never having made one before and not knowing where to start I said yes. 
The result seen above was awarded the winner 

My entry for an Autumn photograph came second
Taken in Epping Forest

and my entry for a 'garden on a plate' did not receive an award
'you win some, you lose some!'
If you missed my previous post I think it is worth taking a look


Needled Mom said...

He looks like such a friendly scarecrow!! I hope it scares the birds. Congratulations on both of your wins, Barbara.

Anonymous said...

Two out of three isn't bad. Congratulations.

Lorrie said...

Congratulations, Barbara! For someone who has never made a scarecrow you did an excellent job. Well done! Does it keep the crows away?

Terri said...

You know, I like your garden best, all those little plants, and the rock work is fun.
Love your Autumn picture, too. So much color! (The trees look like they could jump up and run after you... scary like the ones in Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.)
And your scare crow is so sweet. How could he scare anyone?!!

Balisha said...

Is that your scarecrow? I think that your photo should have taken the 1st prize...

Come Away With Me said...

The photo of Epping Forest is first place in my book!

Gracie Saylor said...

Well all three are winners to me, Barbara :) This is such a colorful time of year here. My little Grand girls played in a huge pile of leaves today. And on Saturday a blogging friend and I went out and about to get seasonal photos and had fun going home and creating posts from the photos we snapped.
I'm glad you are finding life so rewarding!
Gracie xx

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your scarecrow is a very handsome fellow. Great job for being your very first. The pictures is also very nice.I love the golden glow of the forest and your little garden is adorable. What fun things to do at any rate. Win or loose.

Vee said...

Great scarecrow! Very cheery. That photograph is stunning! your garden on a plate is a winner in my book, too.

Lori Zehr said...

All entries are lovely! Congratulations! I just started working on a scarecrow frame for the grandchildren to "clothe" when they get home in December.

Cristal @ Dapple Design said...

Thanks for your visit, Barbara. Your fall photo is lovely -- what were the judges thinking?

Susan said...

You do all things well!!!

CherryPie said...

Congratulations on your wins. I love your autumn photo.

nikkipolani said...

Goodness, Barbara, that autumn photo in the woods is just spectacular! Perfect autumnal mood and yet cheery and bright. Beautiful.