Sunday 30 June 2013

Random Photos of Garden Just One Week Later

How quickly the garden can grow in a week in June.
Had a lovely holiday with hundreds of photos to post eventually but for the moment until I can get to sorting any here is a peep at how the garden was when we returned.

I am going to love this new rose bed when it matures
Although in some ways I miss the vibrant mix of Hybrid Teas that we had before I am sure the vast expanse of red will be worth it

We stayed in a charming cottage which I will post on next time

It took us almost all day to get home yesterday in what should have been a 3 hour 10 minutes driving time
Spent hours on the motorways going nowhere with lane closures due to a truck on fire, a coach broken down in the middle lane and extremely heavy traffic, particularly in the Heathrow area.
The first hot day of the year too so heavy 'day out' traffic

We now have a birthday BBQ to attend having been to a coffee morning earlier so won't be sorting photos today!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend


Elizabeth said...

The roses are putting on quite a show for you!
So glad you had a good holiday but a bit dreary that you had such a slow ride home.
Much too hot here.
Looking forward to seeing photos of your holiday.

Patsy said...

Your garden is lovely!

Elizabethd said...

How beautiful. I live in hope that one day my new garden will look as well established as yours!

Vee said...

Oh that sounds like a nasty traffic jam. Glad that you are safely home...even though you have other things to do! You are very social folks sand adventurous, too. The garden looks beautiful, as always.

Scriptor Senex said...

Motorway journeys like that can be horrendous can't they? At least there wasn't a fatal accident - I always think when I pass a bad accident that a couple of hours inconvenience is nothing to what some family is suffering somewhere.
I find it difficult at this time of year to decide what flowers to show - so many come out this month.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

The garden looks so lovely!

kreativehaende said...

such a lovely garden!

Susan said...

I would LOVE to see your garden in real life. Thanks for sharing so much of it here in blogland!

La Petite Gallery said...

Boy! you are some Gardner. I love the peach rose. Your garden is just beautiful as you are Barbara. I enjoy gardening it is so rewarding.

becky up the hill said...

A girl after my own heart. You even have a clothes line! I love the plants coming up in your pavers. Its so hot in California, if you don't have your garden on auto-drip, you'd come home after a week to some akin to Death Valley. My hydrangeas have taken a beating this past week despite all efforts to keep them watered. Gardeners are like that though!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You do have a lovely big garden there. Lots to tend and take care of. Everything here is growing by leaps and bounds due to so much rain. I have to say it's better than being in a drought though. Enjoy your Barbecue.!

CherryPie said...

A very nice view to come home too :-)

Come Away With Me said...

You've got so many beautiful roses! I really like the ones on your driveway, such a gorgeous color.