Tuesday 30 April 2013

Green Island Gardens. Part 1

We are back in August now and having spent the morning at Beth Chatto's garden we ate lunch there before coming straight over to this garden which is only about 15 minutes away.
Two very different gardens and each with their own flavour. 

For me this garden was maybe not as colourful and pretty but it certainly was interesting and enjoyable with it's very varied shapes, textures, styles, shadows. A mixture of island beds and woodland and more which I will show you over 3 posts 

The kind of place where one wanders without knowing what is round the corner

Continuing to explore

Hope you enjoyed


Needled Mom said...

I love how you can wander about and see the plants just popping out to be admired. Each one is so special in it's own right. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Come Away With Me said...

It was fun walking round all those corners with you! I like the little vine covered alcove with the two chairs by the pond, and the interesting treehouse too. Lots to see.

Vee said...

Yes, very enjoyable. I especially enjoyed the photo of coming through a forested path to the house and gardens beyond.

Terri said...

Oh yes! A very enjoyable trip. I love the treehouse!

Lori Zehr said...

Wow! Pretty, but looks like a lot of maintenance! We finally had a nice, warm day today and I am lamenting at all the work and the garden I don't know what to do with! Overgrown and no good way to disassemble it!

Lorrie said...

There's a garden for every taste. They are all beautiful in different ways. I love wandering around and finding surprises in the landscape.

nikkipolani said...

What a lovely ramble! I was just thinking how nice it would be to sit down in that little treehouse and pull out a sandwich from my backpack and swing my legs over the edge ;-)

Trisha said...

Really pretty Barbara, thanks for sharing your vacation with us.

bristowmom said...

All beautiful, but I always like to choose a favorite from your photos. Today's favorite is the blue hydrangea - I have always wanted one. (I planted 2 in Taiwan but the dogs ate them!)

La Petite Gallery said...

what a Fairy land. Imagine growing up in that yard. I saw the top
photo with a red hot poker (flower, yellow and red) I first saw one in Ireland.
I have planted 4 in Maine, no green thumb here. Enjoyed the tour.
Be well, yvonne

CherryPie said...

The gardens look delightful :-)

Scriptor Senex said...

I like the sort of garden where you don't know what is coming next. The little bamboo section was a clever idea.