Sunday 3 March 2013

Only Books Faversham Part 2

What excitement when one comes across a second-hand bookshop

I browsed a while

and came across this beautifully bound set of  books by the famous James Herriot featured many years ago in the television series
All Creatures Great and Small
What is more they looked like they had never been opened
A bargain I thought for £10
My paper back set went straight to the charity shop  

and then I found 2 omnibus editions (the books are much thicker than they look here) of 2 of my childhood favourite Enid Blyton series. A good find as I understand Enid Blyton books have been withdrawn from some places because of Poli*tical correctness and health and safety
I shall certainly read then again sometime and hopefully eventually pass them on to my Grand daughter
One more post to come on Faversham


Denise at Forest Manor said...

Hi Barbara,

You've just got to love the Political Correctness Police, haven't you? Unfortunately, they're alive and well over here, too.

I'm so amazed at that GORGEOUS set of James Herriot books you found, and they were a steal at that price!! I just have my well-worn paperbacks that I've re-read many times. He is one of my very favorite authors. We also have the DVD collection of the BBC series, and I love to watch them. Tristan and Siegried were such a hoot, weren't they?

I like the name of this bookstore -- clever play on words. :) Thanks for sharing this post with us; I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


Crafty Gardener said...

I love to browse in second hand book stores, sadly the one we had in town closed awhile ago. There are a couple that deal in just paperbacks though. You have a wonderful find there of the James Herriot books. I loved his books and have quite a few of the books.

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

A great find!! Love the name of the bookshop.

Balisha said...

Hello Barbara,

We don't have second hand book shops here in our town. I frequent the library where they have a few shelves of books that patrons bring in to sell for a few cents. I have found some really nice books there. My favorite thing is to look at Amazon for used books.

Needled Mom said...

We were just talking about James Herriot the other day!!! What a wonderful deal you found and, yes, they are beautiful. I'm glad you came across such terrific finds!

Trisha said...

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful set of books, they will be a beautiful addition to your library. So nice that you found some favorites as well. Have a Blessed day, Trisha

Come Away With Me said...

Oh yes, a used book shop is like a little bit of paradise to us book lovers isn't it! You found some wonderful selections.

Willow said...

I instantly took a deep breath hoping to enjoy the smell of the book store. too bad the internet doesn't emit smells. Those books which are not in print any longer is the main reason I will never give away some of my children's books. Someone needs to keep them 'alive'.

Sue Seibert said...

Which Enid Blyton do you recommend, and I will order it for Amazon. They have quite a few. Love James Herriot. Just got a used copy of All Creatures for our grandson to read. When were you in Dallas and Fort Worth? We are only 50 miles west of Fort Worth. Thanks for visiting my blog!!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love 2nd hand book shops. I can spend hours in one looking around. Now I read more on my Kindle but some books are meant to be held and read and kept too.

Vee said...

What a great find with the Herriot books! I found a complete set for thirty or forty do,Lars a few years ago and did not have the extra cash at the time. Any Elizabeth Goudge? I've not heard of the last set...must look into that.

Lorrie said...

What a great find! I read and re-read my favourite books and it's well worth having a nice copy of those. Second hand bookstores are treasure stores.

Terri said...

Love the name of the store!
My hubby loved the Herriot books!

That Politically correct stuff is just a way to tell you that, NO! you don't have the right to free speech. That's what I think. Little by little they take our freedoms away - we older ones are noticing.

CherryPie said...

It is an amazing bookshop much bigger inside than it looks from the outside. I visited when I was staying with family last year.

I have to confess to spending rather a long time in there!

Scriptor Senex said...

I agree entirely - about finding a second-hand bookshop.

Adrienne said...

This reminds me of a used book shop on the Oregon Coast. I would love to visit the shop near you. I could spend hours in there, I'm sure!