Wednesday 23 January 2013

Get Out of the House!

Get out of the house!
This is what I said to myself late Sunday afternoon
I think everybody else had gone home
Living on a hill, and being a side road, our road, that I have just turned out of was alive with children (and some adults) sledging for most of the afternoon
Turns the road into a sheet of ice when it freezes overnight
Can't complain - I'll repost my own misdemeanour's at the end! 

The first turn right takes me into our local park
so blessed to have this on my doorstep

This is me trying to stop myself while forgetting to pull on the break
I used my foot instead and spun around


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a brave soul you are. I haven't tried a sled for ages and ages and don't do much walking about outside in the snow or ice either. Staying in here for the most part and keeping warm.

Denise at Forest Manor said...

Hi Barbara,

I've enjoyed seeing all the wonderful snow pictures on the various British blogs over the last week. What fun! It's bitterly cold here right now, in North Carolina, southeastern United States. They're predicting snow for us on Friday, day after tomorrow, so we'll see what we get. Last Thursday, we got snow, rain, ice and thunder! The old wives' tale around here says when you get thunder in the middle of the cold winter, you'll be getting snow very soon.

Your nearby park is very nice. We had a park like that in the neighborhood we lived in when our son was very young. It was a great place for walking the dogs and taking the children to play.

I hope you have a great week.


Come Away With Me said...

You park looks so different in winter. I remember it all lush and green. The sledging looks like fun. (I think we spell it "sledding" over here, but I could be wrong about that!)

Elizabethd said...

That looks like a lot of fun in the snow!

Lori Zehr said...

I had hoped to get enough snow to take my grandchildren sledding on our hilly 29 acres. Not so far, but our temperatures are surely challenging--about 7 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. Too cold to be out for long! Looks like you're having fun!

Merisi said...

You would have missed out on a lot of fun if you had stayed home!

Stay safe and warm,

CherryPie said...

It looks like you were having a lot of fun there :-)

The snow scenery is very beautiful.

CherryPie said...

It looks like you were having a lot of fun there :-)

The snow scenery is very beautiful.

Vee said...

What a double take! I saw the cute scarf and wanted to take a closer look at the colors and then said: Barbara! Is that you?! Oh're quite the limber one! I am very impressed and you look as if you had some fun.

What a pretty park, too.

Trisha said...

Barbara you are amazing. I love the kid in you. You are always up for some new adventure. What a Blessing!

Lorrie said...

Hooray for Barbara! You look happy as a child on the sled. Winter fun for all!

Crafty Gardener said...

Oh my Barbara, what a lot of snow you have, way more than we do. That sure looked like a fin ride.

Adrienne said...

Oh, now I want to go up the mountain and play in the snow! Looks like you had fun.

Willow said...

No one is ever too old or too young to ride on a sled in the snow!

Scriptor Senex said...

What a great photo of you on the sled!! You've had more than us and now it's melting in the sun.

talesfromagarden said...

You are well up for the fun in the snow! I do not think I would be so brave!Lovely photos of the snow,ye got a large amount of it.We got a mornings snowfall and it was gone by noon.Stay safe!

Annie Jeffries said...

You are young at heart and that's the best sort of heart there is.