Saturday 17 December 2011

Christmas Scenes Around My House

It's Christmas
the tree is up

along with my knitted Christmas craft

with a different view from the conservatory

with a peep into the dining room

and some lights in the front

the cards are made, written and posted

the cake is made


and iced

and the Blackbird feasts every day outside my kitchen window

I think wrapping the presents will be next
in a week's time I will be looking forward to the Christmas edition of Downton Abbey
Did I say that life was looking good!

I am just being facetious, Christmas is more than these outward symbols as we know so I look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus and enjoying the company of my family, aware that many do not have that privilege for whatever reason. My heart goes out to them and they will be in my prayers.


cyclopseven said...

Wow!! that's really something. The whole thing reflects your passion not just with photography and writing, but decor and baking as well. The cards are beautiful, and the cake is tempting. I see striking colors and a serene atmosphere. Merry X'mas and Happy New Year.

God bless.

Come Away With Me said...

Beautifully said, last paragraph says it all.

It is wonderful to see your home decorated for Christmas especially since, having been there, I can really visualize how it all looks in reality. Your tree is very pretty...I like the old-fashioned touch with the looping strands of golden beads. And that cake is really a work of art! Seeing the blackbird reminded me of how beautiful your English blackbirds' song really made an impression on me when we were there two years ago.

Blessings to you and Alan and your family for Christmas and the New Year.

Cheri said...

Love your post! Very festive. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Terri said...

Lovely decorations, Barbara! Cake looks yummy and your cards are elegant. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your tree looks just lovely and the cake looks absolutely yummy! You are right is saying Christmas is more than all these things, but it is a cause for celebrating!

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hello Barbara

Lovely~all of it!

I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year.

Tracy :)

Annie Jeffries said...

What a delightful glimpse into your home, Barbara. It's so warm and inviting. And OH!, that cake.

Anonymous said...

Everything looks beautiful at your home. :-) Your last paragraph sums it all up ~ Thank you for praying.
Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2012!
God's blessings to you and your family,

Camille said...

I agree that your cake is a work of art. Love the beads on your tree. Very pretty!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the USA ~

Kay G. said...

Oh, I love Downton Abbey! Maggie Smith was just nominated for a Golden Globe for her performance in that and I so hope she wins! Lucky you, to get to see it on Christmas, hope we get it soon!
Your home is beautifully decorated.
Happy Christmas!

Willow said...

Yes, Christmas is about much more than the gifts and lights, but we do enjoy those too.

You are so much farther ahead of me on Christmas preparations. Gifts are 'mostly' bought. Wrapping commences tonight...

AM Zafaran said...

That cake is looking very yummy and lovely! Mmmmm....:)I love those silver stars.
I liked the plump Mr. Blackbird.

a woman who is said...

What a coincidence , I am just now watching and catching up to Downton Abbey. Some how I lost track, but have it all set to record the rest. Then hopefully I will be ready to watch the new season too. Your home looks quite festive. I was admiring some of those burgundy bulbs. It is my favorite Christmas color. The blackbird looks quite festive too amongst all those red berries.

Have a wonderful Christmas with your family!

Roberta Carraro said...

I like your blog so much...
Visit also my blog Maskerelle, you can win a Venice mask.

Bye bye
Roberta Carraro

Gwendolyn said...

Your home is absolutely lovely. The fruitcake is amazing! This is a tradition Americans don't hold so highly, yet I, with Canadian roots have always loved fruitcake at Christmas time. And yours is decorated so perfectly. Enjoy your family and this most blessed season. Because of Him we are certain of even a brighter day to come! Love....Gwen

Needled Mom said...

Your home is beautiful all decorated for Christmas. I loved a glimpse from the conservatory.

Your cards are wonderful and the cake looks to die for!!!! The stars on top are fabulous!!

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Vee said...

Yes, Christmas is so much more, yet the symbols remind us all over again. Your tree is beautiful, the decorations elegant, and that cake looks amazing. A Merry Christmas to you and Alan and all your family!

Joyce said...

I can't get over that CAKE! It looks so lovely.....well done Barbara. Was it hard??

My British friend here makes special Christmas foods from England and fortunatly...she always gives me some. HA!
(Which I reluctantly share with Don HA! And which we have already ate up...tiny Sausage rolls, Mini Mince pies, and a slice of Fruit cake. Maybe it's the same one you make? It wasn't iced though.

Your home looks so cozy...but having been there makes this so much more fun, because I can visualize where all this is.

Balisha said...

What a beautiful post. Starting with your decorations and then on to the wonderful cake...ending with the true meaning of Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I love your tree!
Merry Christmas.

Trisha said...

Simply beautiful! Merry Christmas!

c. Joy said...

How beautiful! Your cake is a work of art. Your words are wonderful too. God bless you & yours & all of us. Merry Christmas.

Lori Zehr said...

Beautiful! I so enjoyed your decor. Also the cake looks wonderful! You've been busy!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful. And the cake! Fruitcake for christmas is a vanishing custom here in Canada but I still like it.

Mary H

susanna said...

Oooh your place is so Christmasy! We've been so busy this month that we haven't had time to do much decorating so I'm going to live vicariously through you in this post.

First, great job on the tree. It looks perfect! And you made those Santas? Will they be gifts?

The red berries amongst the bare branches is one of nature's most beautiful winter bouquets.

And that cake! Well, I'm in awe that you made an actual Christmas cake and a bit envious of anyone who will be sitting at your dining room table this holiday season. Beautiful job with the marizipan frosting.

And finally, lucky you to have such a visitor in your hedge!

talesfromagarden said...

Your cake looks divine and I love the way your silver beads are in the shapes on the icing!Everything looks great,have a good and peaceful Christmas with your family!

nikkipolani said...

Barbara, what a wonderful look into your Christmas decorations and how they grace your home with reminders of our Savior's birth. Even on that lovely cake. Hope your family celebrations are rich and warm this Christmas.

Adrienne said...

I'm stopping by a bit late but the wishes are the same. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as you celebrated the coming of our Savior. Wishing you a New Year filled with God's best blessings.

Donna and Miss Spenser said...

Oh, just found your delightful blog. Born American, English at heart! Do you ever share your fruitcake recipe? I'd love to give it a try! Donna