Saturday 22 October 2011

Mompesson House & Garden

Looking further around the Cathedral Close we come upon Mompesson House which was built for the local Member of Parliament, Charles Mompesson in 1701.
Wandering around allows visitors a step back in to a past world.
This house now belongs to The National Trust
(seen here in the middle)

The back garden

Where we had lunch

The dining table set for tea

and a sitting room set for afternoon tea

and study


and the library

A house next to Sir Edward Heath's house

The house to the left of Mompesson House

We have left the close now and are on our way back to the car park

I love this wall in flower

and lastly this is the end of our cottage holiday in June
nearing Heathrow Airport we want to hit the London orbital
before the late Saturday afternoon traffic
(see the red lights - there's heavy traffic ahead)


Scriptor Senex said...

That wall of flowers is wonderful.

I am really pleased that the National Trust now allow photography in most of their buildings - it enables us bloggers to share our experiences. Thanks for sharing yours.

elizabeth said...

How I enjoy doing the sights with you, Barbara!
I love looking round old, historic houses and imagining how life was lived there.
Rather good that swanky places are now open to the public so we all can enjoy them.
The 'wall of color' was pretty exciting.
They have had things a bit similar at Wisley.
I think , in the end, I prefer the tumble of a cottage garden.

Terri said...

Love the look see! Thanks Barbara! That wall of flowers reminds me of a quilt! So pretty!

c. Joy said...

The wall of flowers is wonderful! How did they do that? I've been away visiting my mom and family, it was a good trip. It's also good to be back in my own home. Happy Sunday!

Come Away With Me said...

That wall of flowers is very beautiful, and rather unusual too. It reminds me of a rainbow with all those colors. The libraries always seem to be the rooms I love the best in the historic houses I've had the pleasure of visiting, and this one is no exception. After seeing more of the Close and the homes there, I really DO wish for those unlimited funds I mentioned, to purchase that home I saw online, somewhere in the Close!!

Camille said...

The houses are beautiful, inside and out. I love the place where you had lunch.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Stunning pictures!

Lori Zehr said...

Beautiful, Barbara! I loved the beautiful interiors of the house. And did I see hollyhocks growing in profusion just outside in the one picture? My favorite flowers! So enjoyable!

Arlene said...

That's the way to live Barbara, just my style, :-) loved that wall of flowers, unusual and colorful, The pictures are lovely, what it must be like to live in these surroundings all the time.
Bet viewing Heathrow wasn't half so interesting. Just looked out of the window and it's raining and I've got to take the dogs out [sigh] catch you later. thanks for kind comments on my sunsets.

Trisha said...

I love the tall ceilings and big rooms. The inside of the house is my favorite. Would have been a beautiful place to live. I especially love the library, and wall of flowers.
Blessings Barbara, and thank you.

talesfromagarden said...

Loved going on that tour with you and your intrepid camera!That wall of flowers is spectacular.Would have loved to have seen the location for Downton Abbey as I follow it here,its a great drama!

Vee said...

Oh that flower wall just pops, doesn't it?!

Bernideen said...

I loved the corner turn with all the Hollyhocks and of course the wall of flowers!

Willow said...

What a wonderful place Salisbury is! I could wander there for hours and maybe even for days.

Pomona said...

A beautiful house - I have not been there, but now I really want to go!

Pomona x