Sunday 5 June 2011

The Winner and My Garden

and the winner is
Susan  of Penless Writer
I am so glad that Susan won this give away as life is very difficult for her at the moment having just lost a dear daughter

Apparently our Spring was the dryest and hottest since records began in 1556
I'll share with you some random photos from my garden from this week. At the moment it is raining and I am sure the blooms are dancing! 

I am sure everything will look fresher and there will be more blooms after the rain which is forecast for tomorrow too

is hosting garden tours
to visit click on the link above and follow instructions
and likewise if you want to include your own garden tour 


Elizabethd said...

Your garden looks stunning, quite ready for Chelsea!
How lovely to read about your winner, much deserved, I'm sure.

Midwest to Midlands said...

You have one big beautiful garden. Love the roses too, something I want to start adding to ours. Thanks for the tour!

Vee said...

The roses and, in fact, the entire garden looks wonderful. I'm sure they appreciate good old-fashioned rainfall, though I know that you keep them all happily watered. It's just nice not to have to every day. Wow! That's a long hot, dry spell. Amazing how the weather is so dissimilar from place to place. Obviously, all the rain was spent somewhere else. I'm thinking in my corner. Congrats to your very sad it must be to lose a beloved daughter.

Linda said...

Your garden is looking wonderful Barbara. Hope everything is going well for you.

Jan at Love It said...

Absolutely beautiful! I can smell the wonderful fragrances from all the lovely roses for sure.

Anonymous said...

Hottest and driest since 1556. Wow That's a long time. Here in Canada records go back only a bit more than 100 year. No roses open yet on my few bushes. Mary H

Bernideen said...

Oh what a lovely garden you have - your thumbs must be very green! Just beautiful!

Deanna said...

Your roses are beautiful!!! Fragrance to enjoy.
Beauty to behold.

Thank you for the prayers.
God bless,

Come Away With Me said...

That is a long history of record keeping! Your garden is beautifully blooming despite the heat and dryness. It looks quite lush to my eyes.

Willow said...

This post and the previous on on London remind me of our visit to England three years ago--walking in just those places!

Lorrie said...

Your garden is fully in bloom - such pretty roses. I hope the rain has freshened things up for you.

a woman who is said...

Don't you just love this moment in time in a garden? Simply amazing! Thanks for the tour.

Amy Friend said...

The roses are beautiful! Your gardens look well established and your flowers seem so happy there. They look great! Thank you for linking to the garden tour! Hopefully as the weeks go on more people will learn about it and link up!

Pomona said...

It is a beautiful garden - full of flowers! It is raining here now - much needed, of course, so I am not minding the cold grey day.

Pomona x

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hello Barbara

Congrats to Susan! Your garden is so lovely--do hope you will get rain soon.

Tracy :)

Needled Mom said...

OMGoodness....your garden is just gorgeous!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your flower garden looks great! I like the pink and yellow roses :-)

Trisha said...

Wow, now that's a flower garden! Don't know how you keep it looking so beautiful. You've had a dry spring, and we have had a wet one, but your flowers are much prettier than mine. So glad Susan won your give away. Have a Blessed and glorious day!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Barbara,
I just found your blog and I'm so happy to 'meet' another Christian blogger! Your garden is simply beautiful and I love how you share about the Lord Jesus on your blog; refreshing! I would love to have you stop by for a visit, perhaps join me for a cup of tea. Have a lovely day.


Dig Brooklyn said...

Beautiful roses! Congratulations!


Melanie @ Country Cottage Living said...

Your Roses are Breathtaking! You must have a lot of weeding to do...Her in WA State, we get a lot of rain and sun in the spring and things grow like overnight! Hope weeds slow down soon!

Linda said...

Your garden looks fabulous. I know what hard work gardening is. You've done a great job.

AM Zafaran said...

The garden is so very beautiful! It was a treat walking through your garden,looking at the wonderful roses.

Lori Zehr said...

Gorgeous pictures! Wonderful flowers!