Sunday 26 September 2010

Ruminations and Colour

No sign of Autumn colours yet in my garden but there are some reminders of Summer with a late flush of Roses. Nothing like the great show of June but still enough to stop and enjoy

Tuesday and Wednesday the temperature rose to 75f but by Friday we were lucky to have it reach 57f which made it feel like summer was behind us.
One of the noticeable benefits of Winter here is that tv programmes begin to look up and I was not disappointed tonight to see the first 90 minute long installment of a new costume drama. 
Downton Abbey by the same script writer as Gosford Park has me hooked already. There could be no better location than Highclere, one of our countries finest houses with some of our best actors and a riveting storyline so far.

Amongst my ruminations I must make mention of the recent visit of the Pope to England. I am not a Roman Catholic but was absolutely thrilled the way he brought Christianity to the forefront and the challenges he put before people which even had our Prime Minister speaking about faith and morality.
There has been much positive comment in the media since.

This morning our house church was back 'doing church' at our local hospital and much prayer went up in and around the whole place before fellowshipping with coffee in the restaurant

Alan and I took advantage of one of the beautiful warm and sunny days this week and spent the day in Cambridge.  Having taken 165 photos I will certainly have quite a number of posts on this very interesting city as soon as I can get to sorting them all out.

So stay tuned, they will eventually be up 


La Petite Gallery said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, Barbara! What a gorgeous sight of late summer roses. I've always loved the variety of colour and texture in your garden.

cyclopseven said...

Lovely roses....when I was young, my uncle used to say that each flower that bloom is the signature of the creator. The hands the make the signature flourish with such expressive petals are divinely blessed. God bless.

Elizabethd said...

Barbara, your roses are amazing for this time of year. Mine have a few flowers, but are getting towards the end now.
I so agree with you about the Pope's visit.

Betty said...

Your roses are so beautiful. I had 4 shrub roses in my garden and they were beautiful, but something happen to them late last year and I could not save them no matter what I did. I replace them with some other shrubs and guess what I found when weeding last week, one baby rose bush coming up. Next spring I plan on moving her to another spot and hopefully what killed the others will not get to her.


Mike's Travels said...

Love the rose with the Crane fly!! Enjoyed Downton Abbey too :)

Balisha said...

Barbara...your roses are beautiful. I still have some blooming, but not as lovely as yours. This morning it was 38 degrees here, so our fall has begun. Many chores to do outside.
It seems that everywhere the Pope travels he brings Christianity to the attention of many and makes people think about goodness.I especially remember Pope John Paul and how so many loved him, who were not Roman Catholics.
Have a nice day. Balisha

Susan said...

Yesterday and today are our first tastes of "fall". It is such a delight and pure joy after the HOT-HOT summer we have had.

Susan said...

P.S. I'm praying for a long Indian Summer :o)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Our temps sound a lot like yours but we are seeing signs of fall all around us. It is a chilly wet day here. My roses too are still blooming too. How nice the Pope was well received there. Christianity is something to be promoted and I hope a lot of good was done by his visit.

Come Away With Me said...

You have given us a lot to enjoy here from fragrant roses (and that Mayfly or whatever you may call him was certainly enjoying the scent, wasn't he!) to the good things that came from the Pope's visit, to prayers in the hospital and (I'm very envious) a new costume drama on TV, and finally, Cambridge. I'm looking forward to those photos!

Come Away With Me said...

PS: It will be 103 here today! Hottest on record for decades.

Anonymous said...

Oh the roses are just beautiful! That's my favorite flower. :-)
The weather has turned cooler here too, in the low 40's last night.
Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing.

becky up the hill said...

Your Fall roses are beautiful. Love all the field trips. I hope one day to visit England! The new program you mentioned sounds good too. I wonder if it will make it to US Netflix at some point? Thanks for all your encouraging and beauty. It's great to hear the Holy Spirit is at work! Yours in Christ, Becky

Anonymous said...

What a lovely display of late roses.

Yes we watched Downton Abbey too and were impressed. Summer viewing was dire. I think they expect an English Summer to involve sunshine and being outside or something. LOL

We're getting some Autumn colour up here. I'll have to pop my nose outside. :-)

Judy said...

Oh...what lovely roses! They seem not to know that fall has arrived. I look forward to your Cambridge posts.

Vee said...

Beautiful roses...intriguing to read about not only the pope, but your new tv programming. I'm afraid that we have nothing of the sort here.

RoyalTLady said...

AMAZING beautiful roses and great photo shots.

Greetings from Malaysia and thank you for visiting me.

A Dagenham Girl said...

Those roses are just divine and I particularly like the one with the daddy-longlegs - I seem to be plagued with them at the moment..

Glad house church went well - which hospital do you visit? Judith

talesfromagarden said...

Exquisite photos of your roses Barbara! They are worthy of winning best in show!Love the one with the crane fly too!Looking forward to the Cambridge photos though I have never been there!

Needled Mom said...

Your roses (and garden) are certainly looking more like summer, Barbara. Gorgeous!

It is nice to read that the pope's visit had some positives there. We have only heard about the riots following him in our media.