Saturday 24 July 2010

Happy Birthday to Oliver

Cannot believe that dear Grandson Oliver is 4 years old tomorrow. We gave him his birthday present early as Granddad was being admitted to hospital. It was a real hit - a kit which gave him the choice of building 5 different vehicles. The first he assembled was this tractor and he just loved the battery operated screw driver. Today he is enjoying a 'tennis party' with his friends.

Then there was the birthday card that Grandma made depicting his current fascination V*W ca*mper vans
as on his teashirt


Needled Mom said...

Happy birthday to dear Oliver. Yes, those years do fly by so quickly.

I am so glad to read about the outcome of Alan's testings. I can imagine the tremendous relief for all of you. It will be so nice to resume a normal life once more. A scare like that always makes us realize even more the blessings that we have in life.

Anonymous said...

Birthday greetings to Oliver! And prayers for Granddad and his doctors.

Charlene said...

Enjoyed the post. You make the neatest cards. Your grandson is adorable.
I am praying for Alan. I know there are people praying for him all over the world and know Our Lord hears our prayers. Take care of yourself,too.

Vee said...

Happy Birthday to Oliver! It's fun to see what unique things kids come up with to love...a VW that. is. fun. You chose his gift very wisely and I'm sure that he will have countless hours of fun creating!

Elizabethd said...

He looks very absorbed in his present! What a lovely age to be.

zetor said...

Happy Birthday to Oliver, hope he has had a good day and prayers continue for his Granda.

Susan said...

Well, Happy Birthday Oliver!

I love that gift. I think I will search for one here in the States and set it aside for a couple of years for my grandson.

I hope someone frames that card for him. How cute and thoughtful.

a woman who is said...

He is getting sooooo big! What a fun toy you found for him. Very special gift.

I am thrilled you and Alan and get back to some R&R. Dan and I are now on week two and the rest is doing us both some good.

La Petite Gallery said...

To a darling young man. Happy birthday Master Oliver. Thoughts are with you and Alan.. yvonne

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That is a gift that every little boy would enjoy for sure. It seems they all love to tinker and put things together and cars and trucks are always a hit.

Come Away With Me said...

Four years old! Happy Birthday to Oliver. That was the perfect gift for him.

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Happy Birthday Oliver!! Hope you had a very special day. I also love the old VW Campers.

Tracy :)

Patsy said...

Happy Birthday dear Oliver and will be thinking about you and Alan.