Came to my computer with the express wish to visit my blogging buddies and ended up playing around with 'blogger in draft' templates. I have resisted changing my template as I prefer to have something simple so that the accent is on my posts and not the background. Having found a simple one I went for it on impulse. From there I thought I would try the 'blogger in draft' formatting. I did try this when it was first added but was too impatient to play around with it so gave up. Here I am having another go and learning as I go along. In so doing I have randomly selected some current scenes from my garden as a test post. Hope you enjoy.
The tomatoes are on their way |
This is the Strawberry bed full of lettuce that has germinated
from last years discarded compost |
The above shows a Blackbird's nest and if you
look carefully it has used plastic to line it
The sad thing is that a Magpie raided the nest
A Robin has been more careful and built a nest
behind this ivy |