Thursday 15 April 2010

The Silent Skies

There's a strange silence in the air. Unusual for us as we live close to several international airports, aircraft from London City airport take off over my house, we are under several flight paths and a stacking system.

The cause of this, as many will know by now, is the erupting volcano in Iceland. It is not until the aircraft noise stops that one realises just how different it is without it. All UK and many European airports are closed and airspace over the UK, France, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Poland are closed. Hard to imagine -no planes in the skies.

Apparently the volcanic ash melts when ingested into the aircraft engines and can seriously upset the navigation instruments. Thousands upon thousands of people are stranded and at a particularly busy time at the end of the Easter school holidays.

Shows just how easily man made systems can be thrown into chaos when nature intervenes.

Nearer to home it is dear little Rebekah's first birthday today. Seems like yesterday she was born. Tomorrow we will be joining her along with her Mum and Dad and Oliver at a fun Wildlife Park as one of her birthday celebrations. Yes one, she will behaving three! So........... I guess there will be photos of Grandma with lions or something next week.


P.S. I had forgotten than my son is in Spain. He is one of the lucky ones - he is staying at a friend's house so would have no problem with accommodation if the ash is still moving over the weekend keeping the planes out of the air.


Elizabethd said...

I think this is a first time happening! Is your garden covered in ash I wonder?

Susan said...

Happy Birthday Rebekah! And wishes for many more to come.

My husband noticed the same silence after 9/11. We live south of Seattle and north of Los Angeles right in the flight paths of all those planes. It was almost as quiet as when we were both children and air travel was a lot less frequent.

We are just south of Mt St Helens. Ash is destructive on so many levels. My folks were just east of the eruption and now have COPD aggravated by breathing the ash (and smoking for over 70 years.)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I had heard of that volcanic ash causing you problems over there. How terrible for everyone that has had their flight canceled. Nature is very decisive in what we do and when we can do it. After just going through a terrible winter, I know all about that for sure. Your pictures are lovely today. Have fun at the birthday celebration!

talesfromagarden said...

Hi Barbara! That volcanoe has wreaked havoc everywhere it seems, though the ferry companies are not complaining!Enjoy the peace overhead while it lasts and enjoy the day with your grand-daughter!

Annie Jeffries said...

Happy Birthday, little Rebekah. Enjoy all the partying.

I was in awe of the Iceland volcano pictures I saw on the news last night. And now planes grounded across Europe? Amazing. Yes, we are very fragile, are we not?

Deanna said...

Oh my goodness!!! Yes, this year has flown by. Your little Granddaughter, REBEKAH a year old... it does seem just like a short amount of time that I came across your nice blog and read about your sweetie being born.

My husband had mentioned about the airplanes being grounded. My daughter-in-law's Mother from Belarus is suppose to leave her country tomorrow to come to America to see her newborn Grandson. She hasn't been to the States before. I pray all goes well for her...she's somewhat afraid to fly.

God Bless,

melissa said...

Was just reading about the volcano before stopping by to visit your blog. Interesting how things travel...but bet you're enjoying the quiet. :)

Take care.

Come Away With Me said...

This reminds me of the silence we had here right after 911. As we are also near many airports, it was eerily quiet when the planes were grounded for several days. It gives one a taste of what life was like for everyone just a century ago...much quieter!

Lorrie said...

We had several volcanic interruptions when we lived in Ecuador. Ash clouds fell like heavy dark snow obliterating visibility. Even after the falling ash stopped, for weeks the ash in the gutters and yards swirled in the wind. Driving was minimized because ash can get in and ruin cars as well as jets.
Dare I say, enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts?
And definitely enjoy the birthday celebrations!

Vee said...

I can only imagine how quiet it must seem. Is it a pleasant quiet or do you find it unsettling? That grandgirlie of yours is already one? Of course she must be since Linds' grandgirlie is, too. Time truly does zip along. Take care now. I'm imagining that your church community will be thinking of ways to help those who may be stranded. It simply must be very unusual.

Willow said...

Happy Birthday, dear Rebekah!

I recall that in the late 1990s a plane crashed in Indonesia, killing friends of ours who were visiting their former home in Borneo. The mishap was most likely caused by ash. It truly is dangerous. I'm glad your son is safely on the ground in Spain.

nikkipolani said...

Yes, I'd heard of the grounded flights - hope it's not too long before people can get to destinations!

Kate said...

My son is in Thailand and wondering if the backlog will clear before he leaves and I am supposed to fly to Tenerife soon - I do hope it clears soon

Mike's Travels said...

Have to say I'm loving it... I'm right next to Heathrow and the difference is amazing!

Adrienne said...

I thought of you when I first heard the news that all the air traffic was closed down. It is strange when there are no sounds overhead. Enjoy the silence, my friend. You never know where you will have that opportunity again.

Pom Pom said...

I imagine the silence is lovely. Happy Birthday to Rebekah! I pop over here now and then to check on you. I'm glad you are doing well!

Charm and Grace said...

Happy birthday to Rebekah, and to "Grandma" I say have fun with the lions... but not too much! :) I am sure the lack of noise can almost be unsettling. We have interstate behind our house and I am quite sure I would be a bit unsettled if all the car noises were to suddenly cease. The noise is "normal." I am glad I am not the only one behind on my winter gardening tasks. Things are bursting with color here, but I still have much to do.


Jane said...

It's a surreal situation being caught up in this silent maelstrom of confusion and order mixed. We are thankfully in a hotel in Mallorca (courtesy of Thomson Holidays) after our holiday ended and we couldn't get back. So, just waiting to see what comes can read my posting Barbara at my new blog on - and Happy Birthday to the little person...

Bernideen said...

Yes..we heard about this! Stay safe!

Duchess of Tea said...

Enjoy the quietness for now darling and Happy Birthday to Rebekah, may God Bless her and keep her safe.

Love & Hugs

a woman who is said...

Can't wait to see the photo's. We are in the midst of plans now for our little Avey. So fun and special to be a grandmother.

Hope your son gets home safe and sound.