Saturday 13 March 2010

Heather As Far As the Eye Can See

Husband Alan originates from the North East of England and here we are back in about 1961 taking a day trip from his home town onto the moorland of Northumberland. On our way we pass Hexham Abbey seen here.

There has been a church on this site for over 1,300 years since Queen Ethelreda made a grant of lands to Wilfrid, Bishop of York c.674. Of Wilfrid's Benedictine Abbey, the Saxon crypt and apse still remain. In Norman times the abbey was replaced b y an Augustinian priory. The church you see today is mainly that building of about 1170-1250 in the early English style of architecture. Since the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1537 the Abbey has been the Parish Church of Hexham and today is a centre of worship and witness to the Christian faith.(Info from official website)
These moorlands are so beautiful when the heather is in bloom

Our little Ford Anglia of the time patiently waiting for us to return.
I don't know if anyone else has been having the same blogger problem that I have. Very annoying. I found that on all the sites that I signed up to follow over the last months my profile picture had disappeared. When I investigated I found it at the end of each list but without a photo, along with a number of others that must have had the same problem. I have no idea why. This involves a complicated process of signing in and from options having to reset everything through a number of actions. I am getting there gradually but if my photo has vanished from your site, do not think that I have deleted myself as a follower - it is a blogger problem.


Linda said...

That heather is gorgeous. I'd love to see it in bloom sometime.

melissa said...

Love the photos, as is the case with many Americans who yearn for English pretties. Must be something to do with our roots, hmmm?

Thanks for sharing!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I've heard of heather and have seen a few individual plants but never have I seen everything in sight covered with it. What beautiful pictures. They are breathtaking. Thank you so much for sharing them.

Wright Family said...

beautiful!! Makes me feel homesick.

La Petite Gallery said...

That has happened on my followers list have the photo's are replaced with silhouetts.

The image of the heather is breathtaking. That church has got to make you drop to your knees, It is such a Holy place and demands respect. beautiful post, Let me know about the misisng photo's.


Andrea said...

Barbara, the images are stunning! I love the heather! It seems almost heavenly! Thank you so much for sharing! Be blessed!

Much love,


nikkipolani said...

What a fun trip you had! Beautiful hillsides with the heather creeping up towards the top. Our local hills tend to go golden with wild mustard or orange California poppies.

Bernideen said...

Thank you for sharing this lovely history with photos. Truly we all love your blog!

Marilyn said...

Greetings from Colorado, USA! I simply cannot imagine how beautiful the heather must be. I have seen small plants in the nursery, but am not sure they would survive our winters. Thank you for sharing. ♥♪

Vee said...

It is my fond hope to be able to see the moors blooming with heather for myself one day. Until then, this does very nicely. I can only imagine how brilliant are all the hues of purples.

Blogger has been a bugger of late. I understand your frustration completely. I'll check and see what is happening on my side, but since I pay little attention to followers...

Vee said...

Oh yes, I see what you mean. Now that would be annoying for anyone to go back and place the photo back on. If it's any consolation, you're not alone...lots and lots of people have "lost" their photos, including Linds!

Knitting Mania said...

Stopping by to say hello Barbara...enjoying your wonderful blog as always.

I just love that photo "Newly Married" taken in NY. What a great photo of you two.

Enjoying your recent posts too!


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Such an incredible colour!

barbie said...

I love your photos of the countryside and the historical notes, very inspirational. Wishing you well. Spring is coming and looking forward to more of your beautiful photos.

Rachel said...

I love Northumberland! I have friend who is from Stocksfield, which I think is near Hexham.

Come Away With Me said...

I could be wrong, but I remember a lot more buildings around Hexham Abbey from our visit in 2009...I guess that is normal to see a lot of build up over the years since 1961! Those fields of heather are beautiful.

Nancie said...

Hi Barbara,

Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures! Thanks for your visit and encouragements too.

Btw, sorry to trouble you. Just wondering whether you are able to help? Do you know of any good church in Delaware, US where the people are warm and compassionate towards those suffering from depression, bipolar and other mental illness? I have a friend who is diagnosed with bipolar and recovering from severe depression. He is looking for a church where he can find compassionate fellow believers who can pray and fellowship with him. If you or any of your friends or relatives know of such a church in Delaware, US, please contact me at Thanks! Take care and have a blessed week!

Warm Regards,

Beth said...

Barbara, This is so very lovely! Thanks for sharing your photos of the heather and loved your notes. Have a wonderful week!

Needled Mom said...

We saw so much of it in Scotland last year, but it was not in bloom when we were there. I could only imagine how gorgeous it was. Thanks for posting a picture for us to enjoy.

Charm and Grace said...

Just how I picture moors from Wuthering Heights. So beautiful... and I do love the nostalgic old photos! And I have been having the same Blogger problem, if it makes you feel any better.


Balisha said...

I would love to see this sight.I tried growing heather in my garden, but didn't have success. Thankyou for posting these beautiful pictures. Have a wonderful day...Balisha

Heather Ozee said...

Beautiful pictures. Can I paint one?

Anonymous said...

What a lovely place. The heather is so beautiful on the moors.

Anonymous said...

Love your pictures. I also love Heather, but I can't seem to get it to grow in my yard. I keep trying though. Thanks for sharing your pictures.


Pomona said...

The colours of the heather are amazing!

Blogger is always having little quirks - it is worth looking at the help forum and registering your problems - I did this with missing comments, and the problem was fixed.

Pomona x

*Ulrike* said...

What beautiful photos and lovely memories. I love heather, I can remember it in bloom when I was a child when we once lived in Germany. Wish it could grow where I live....