Friday 5 February 2010

Sheer Indulgence

The clock in my kitchen where the goodies materialise

Before moving on to the sheer indulgence below I thought I would share this dessert with you. The above is a Lemon Cake which is served with a Hot Lemon Sauce poured over. I serve it with Vanilla ice-cream and the hot and the cold is an interesting combination.

Lemon Squares with Hot Lemon Sauce
For the sponge: 10 oz butter , softened 10 oz caster sugar 5 medium eggs
10 oz self raising flour
For the sauce: grated rind and juice of 3 medium lemons
1 oz cornflour 2 oz sugar 1 oz butter 1/2 pint of water
Method: Preheat oven to 180C/350F. Grease and line 8" square deep cake tin.
Beat butter and sugar together until pale and light. Gradually beat in eggs, fold in flour, lemon rind and lemon juice. Spoon into the prepared tin and level the surface.
Bake in oven for 50 - 60 minutes or until well risen and springy to touch. Leave to cool for 15 minutes before turning out onto rack.
To make sauce: (I do this immediately before serving) In a small sauce pan, mix lemon rind and juice with cornflour and sugar. Gradually add water, bring to boil stirring continuously. Stir in butter.
Cut cake into squares and serve sauce at table (don't forget the vanilla ice-cream)

Now for the sheer indulgence for the sweet toothed chocoholics. I have tried a number of recipes for Rocky Road Squares. This was a treat I first tasted about 20 years ago in the States when one never heard of it over here. This is the one I like best.
Double Chocolate Rocky Road Squares
4 tbsp. spreadable butter 3 tbsp. golden syrup
400gram milk chocolate or 200 each of milk and dark broken pieces
150 gram chocolate chip cookies, broken into small pieces
Handful of mini marshmallows 4 tbsp. raisins 10 Glace cherries, chopped
An 18 cm squared tin or dish, lightly oiled and the base and sides lined with a sheet of cling film
so it overlays the edges.
Method: In a medium sized pan, melt the butter with the syrup until smooth, then remove from the heat. Meanwhile melt the chocolate separately in the microwave.
Add the melted chocolate and the rest of the ingredients to the mixture in the pan and stir together.
Tip the mixture into the tin and smooth down into the corners, leveling the top as y ou do so.
When cool cover and chill in fridge for at least 3 hours.
This one had whole Maltesers instead of the raisins but I prefer the above


Elizabethd said...

Very naughty recipes, Barbara! They look so couldnt resist.

By the way, every time I send a comment I get a note from Yahoo saying it couldnt be delivered? Very odd.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

First off I have to say I love your kitchen clock. It's an inspiration in its self. I love Rocky Road square and have made them several times but now I'll have to try your recipe it is an indulgence for sure. The lemon squares also sound very good. Thanks for sharing the delicious recipes!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Oooh yum !
I love spongecake, so will have to give your recipe a try.
The that is indulgence, once I start eating, I can't stop ;)

zetor said...

I like the sound of these recipes, double chocolate is just what I need at times, many times in fact!!!!

talesfromagarden said...

Hi Barbara,
Firstly I love your clock, that would cheer anyone up looking at it first thing of a morning! I am going to write out your lemon cake recipe and try it in the not too distant future it looks lovely, though I will pass on the chocolate squares, they look like cholestral busters!!

Susan said...

TBoth look good but the lemon cake with lemon sauce really appeals to me. I'll have to give it a try.

Come Away With Me said...

Delicious! CT would certainly love those rocky road squares, chocoholic that he is! I think my fave would be the lemon cake.

Deanna said...

From clear across 'the pond' you can hear me say, "YUMMMMMMMM!!!"

Happy Valentine's Day to you, my friend.
d from Kansas

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

It would be so nice if we could smell the pictures--I love lemons!



Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Love the clock! Yummy goodies too! Especially the rocky road.

Vee said...

Both recipes look wonderful. And your kitchen clock is cheery and bright.

Reflection Through The Seasons said...

Barbara.... Your baking looks delicious. I particularly enjoy anything with a distinctive lemony tang.

Is is OK if I call round for tea? Marion

barbie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog again Barbara. I am very glad I checked in on you and saw those wonderful pastries. I too am a "kitchen person." I love being in the kitchen and soon mine will be totally repaired and I can cook once again. Until then, I get to salivate over your goodies. Lemon cake is my favorite. Will you adopt me!!!!

Betty said...

The recipe sounds yummy...and I do like your clock!

Thanks for the visit...Betty

La Petite Gallery said...

I really have to make it and run it over to a friend..looks fab.

Lemon sauce makes me think of Grand mama she made it for plum pudding.


Mike's Travels said...

Oh gosh.. I have only just had breakfast and now I am craving chocolate! lol

Anonymous said...

Just love that clock and boy do you have me hungry now. I will have to try and make the cake and rocky road. Thanks for sharing the recipes.


Nancie said...

Hi Barbara, thanks for sharing these recipes! They look so yummy! The clock is beautiful :) Take care and have a blessed week! Warm regards, Nancie

Anonymous said...

Both of those look delicious! Rocky Road would make a wonderful Valentine's Day treat, wouldn't it? You've started me thinking...

Paula said...

Yum yum, sweets are my favorite food!