Sunday 17 January 2010

Shapes and Shadows in June

I drive past this church fairly often and one sunny day last June decided to stop and take some pictures. Just felt right in the midst of the dark days of winter to revisit here. We are visiting St. Paul's (Bentley) Anglican church situated just at the back of Pilgrims Hall.

I was particularly taken with the shadows today


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How nice to see leaves on the trees and green grass and blue skies. I appreciate the beautiful pictures today. It is dreary here with alot of snow still remaining on the ground. Thank you for sharing a little bit of sunshine today!

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Shadows can make a picture look so different as in your last picure.

Great pictures!

Tracy :)

Elizabethd said...

I can see why you were intrigued with the shadows, what a wonderful photo that is.

Elizabethd said...

I can see why you were intrigued with the shadows, what a wonderful photo that is.

nikkipolani said...

The shadows look cool and inviting indeed. The facade looks lovely bathed in warm sunshine.

Mary said...

Oh, that's so beautiful. Thanks for coming to my blog.

Needled Mom said...

It is a beautiful site and the shadows are really interesting. That was in June?

Killara girl said...

beautifully English! i could imagine strolling thru those gardens.

Aubrey said...

Those were just what I needed--thanks, Barbara. It's been foggy and smoggy here in Utah. I'm very ready for summer. That church and it's grounds are beautiful. I wish we had more stuff like that around here.

La Petite Gallery said...

Barbara that is soooo beautiful, the landscape and buildings,
love to see something like that
around here. Temps are dropping and tomorrowmore snow..Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Oh I am glad you had those for today. I love those types of pictures. The lines of the architecture always amaze me. Even just the lines on my house and roof make me happy. Blessings

Come Away With Me said...

How well remember our own quick visit there on a warm summer's afternoon! It was so beautiful among those big shady trees and narrow lanes.

Vee said...

So lush and green and yet obviously June because of some of the trees' foliage. Yes, the shadows are intriguing. You must need a break from the cold and snow, Barbara. This was a very nice getaway!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely chuirch. The flints are so pretty. A lot of buildings near the Ridgeway are decorated in a similar way. Loved the plaque in the gate. A polite and lovely reminder to visitors.

Mike's Travels said...

A breath of fresh air... lovely church and nice to see some blue sky before the snow comes rolling in again! Hope your guys are having a great time, sounds amazing :)

Kate said...

How nice to see some sunshine Barbara - what a good idea!!

Willow said...

The stone work looks so much like Southwark Cathedral in London. Is that material common in the area? Beautiful photos of the church!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing pictures of old churches. So many of the new ones that are popping up around us no longer look like churches, but just plain old buildings. The newest one in our neighborhood looks like our local grocery store.


Patsy said...

I am wishing for more sunshine today. Love the photo's.

Pom Pom said...

I love pictures of churches. I hope you are happy and peaceful and that you have a lovely week!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Ah such lovely pictures! Looks very inviting tucked in those shadows!

Reflection Through The Seasons said...

Hello Barbara..... How refreshing to see your pictures taken on a sunny day in June.

St Paul’s Church looks such a robust building with a magnificent tower. Beautiful pathway lined with fine yew trees to the lych gate. Lovely! Marion

zetor said...

It's good to see photos without snow, thankyou for your comment about the farm, I'm afraid the lovely view is not from my farm. although we do have some beautiful scenes around here.

Michael said...

So incredibly lovely. Ahhh... nice to get a bit of summer in the midst of winter too.

barbie said...

I will return to your blog again and again. It is a beautiful reflection of a life fully lived and abundantly blessed....very inspiring.

Thoughts and Events of the Day said...

Barbara, if you have problems with old and faded slides, I have a very good scanner that can do wonders with the colours etc. Brian