Sunday 26 April 2009

My Watercolours

Thought I would indulge myself and post some of my recent watercolours. By recent I mean in the last 10 years or so. Just over a year ago I decided to give up painting and gave away all of my equipment. Now before anyone wonders why, I always seem to have seasons for my hobbies and card making took over from my painting. For me painting was time consuming and I did not enjoy it enough to want to give the needed time to it. However I can still enjoy these lasting images that I did produce. Hope you do to and for the professionals out there, I am very much an amateur.

Angles Sur L'anglin in France

The church in Essex where my daughter Janie was married

Entering the Old Town at Leigh-on-Sea, Essex

with some artistic licence thrown in

Leigh-on-Sea from the other side

Sedona, Arizona

copied from one of my son Peter's photos

Lower Slaughter, The Cotswolds

Wendens Ambo, Essex
Interesting history at this link

A Cotswold Scene

Another Cotswold Scene

Danbury Church, Essex

A Poppy Field


Vee said...

Yes, well, thanks for answering the question in advance. I am definitely one who would be wondering why anyone would give up such a talent as this! I love them all, but am particularly fond of Leigh-on-Sea and the last...Poppy Field? Lovely, lovely work.

Linds said...

Oh my WORD!!!!!! Barbara you are SO talented!!! I absolutely love your watercolours. My favourite one is of Leigh-on-Sea, I think - with the boat! Just amazing!

Sue said...

I was completely blown away by your work!!!

You don't realize how lucky you are to be so talented, Barbara...most people would die to be able to paint a fraction as well as you!

I totally understand that time is a valuable commodity, but I do hope you somehow manage to find more of it in order to create more BEAUTIFUL watercolors.


Thanks for sharing. That is as close as I will ever get to those places. What a treat!

zetor said...

You have such talent, they are beautiful!

blackbird said...

Dear Barbara,

I love visiting your blog- it brings glimpses of English life into my day. Your paintings do that too!

Thank you so much for sharing them with us. I'm sure that looking again at each one takes you back to the time and place. What a pleasure.

And, who knows- you have years ahead of you to pick up a brush or pencil if you feel the urge.

Mary said...


The paintings are definitely not amateur. Amateur paintings are two-dimensional. Yours are three-dimentional, as they should be. They look real.

Linda said...

Beautiful paintings Barbara.

Bernideen's Tea Time Blog said...

These are beautiful beyond words!

Come Away With Me said...

Well, you may call yourself an amateur, but you have definitely got talent! I really enjoy the delicacy of your style and the light touch. Really, they are very lovely and appealing to the eye. I would never get tired of looking at them.

Needled Mom said...

Oh my goodness but they are lovely. I, too, am glad you explained why you gave it up before we all had to scold you for doing so.

I have always loved the Cotswolds. The area is stunning and so different from London for a tourist.

Deanna said...

Barbara, so glad you shared your artwork. Very nice.

Like the paintings and wish I could visit with you in person over some tea and chit chat about life!

Have read your story. Enjoyed it!
Blessings to you.

Elizabeth said...

Thank you so much for sharing your watercolors with me! You are awesome and very talented!

debbie bailey said...

If I was as good a painter as you, I would never have given it up!

Willow said...

Maybe you'll go back to painting in the 'next round' of artwork. You are definitely talented. I'm not sure I could pick a favorite. I like Leigh-on-Sea :) and the Cotswold paintings are lovely too...

Linda said...

I'm no expert, but I really do like your paintings. You should really enjoy a hobby, though, not find it a trial.

Adrienne said...

Dear Barbara - You have such wonderful talent. Your watercolors nearly take my breath away. I'm amazed at the beauty of each one. It would be hard to choose a favorite - they are all nearly beyond belief! ~Adrienne~

Lisa said...

These are so beautiful Barbara! Thank you for sharing...they are treasures.

Andrea said...

Barbara, your paintings are so beautiful! You are very talented, and your work has such a peaceful sense.

I love them all, but I believe I my favorties are those from the Cotswolds. Such a lovely place that I yearn to visit.

Thank you for sharing your gift. Again, they're so beautiful!



Sharon Goemaere said...

What a gift you have Barbara!These are lovely watercolors.I loved them all but I think my favorite was the poppies one!Not amateur at all in my non professional opinion.Bless you~Sharon

a woman who is said...

I can't believe you gave this up, and gave away all your stuff. I do get the time thing though. Probably why I never really get to it myself.

Thanks for sharing with us. I really enjoyed the show! You have such great scenery to paint over there across the pond!

How is you lovely new grand?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE 'A Cotswold Scene' and 'Wendens Ambo'... wish they were for sale, they are wonderful.

Elizabethd said...

They are beautiful, gentle and calm, a treasure for anyone to have in their home.

Mike's Travels said...

they're beautiful Barbara, my favourite is the one with the poppies.

Janie said...

Nice to see all your paintings together, and it wouldn't have been complete with out Roxwell church. It was a wonderful gift to celebrate our marriage and I enjoy it every day.
Lots of love
Jane xxxx...

Janie said... should let people know your paints went to a good home. Though I wonder when I'll have the time to paint.


Reflection Through The Seasons said...

What a skilled artist you are Barbara...... great paintings.

I know exactly what you mean when you say you have a season for your craft work. I've recently reached out my embroidery and, after many months I've started card making again..... the latter beeing prompted by our church's need to raise funds for the flower festival next year.

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful Barbara. Your caught the tones of the limestone roofs in the Cotswolds beautifully. The warm iron rich stone colour too is perfect. I thought it was back home before I even read the caption. You do have a gift Barbara. Maybe it is something that will come out of retirement as needed like your knitting needles?

Charm and Grace said...

Oh Barbara, you are no amateur. Just because you haven't done much doesn't mean you're an amateur. Your work is absolutely gorgeous. You have an exquisite touch, and I think it's a shame you got rid of all your equipment... although I do understand your reasoning. Thanks for sharing these with us; they are treasures. I am trying to ease back into blog world... mostly just visiting a friend or two here and there. I am working toward my third art show of the season and also some commissioned works ...and trying to discern where the Lord is leading me with regard to the artwork. Each time I think I will give it up, I get a call or an e-mail from someone either complimenting my work or wanting a commissioned piece. So, for now I will keep moving forward with it. What a blessing to come to your site after quite a hiatus and see your beautiful work!

Love and blessings,

Paul Purday said...

Nice work Barbara! Pity you gave away your art materials!