Thursday 2 October 2008

Ripon Cathedral,Yorkshire Pt.19

Scenes from Ripon Cathedral. Walked to the cathedral to have a quick look around before lunch, after which it will be Homeward Bound. We have had a great holiday but certainly not a rest! From the comments it looks like you have all enjoyed my 19 posts on Yorkshire. I have re-lived it all through posting some of the 370 photos. I love Yorkshire but I am ready now to move on to other subjects, so stay tuned.

Indoor photos blurred. There was a service in progress in one of the small chapels so I was asked not to take photographs, hence my quick shots.

There had been a weekend flower arranging festival and these exhibits were the winners. It would be very hard to say which one I liked best as they were all so different.

On our way home now. It is only late afternoon but have just driven through a storm.

It's now 7.30 pm (we stopped at Cambridge for tea) and we are turning off the M25 at our home junction. The storm followed us.


Aubrey said...

it always amazes me how they built those old cathedrals back then without cranes and bulldozers. Or Bob the Builder.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

How I do love British rainbows! Thanks for the picture of Ripon Cathedral, a place I do want to visit! I so love your posts. It makes my favorite land seem not so far away!

Patsy said...

I like flower arrangement number 3 they or not like any I have ever seen, different. It has all been a delightful trip.

Vee said...

Stormy skies can be beautiful, but I like your rainbow. Isn't it interesting how flower arranging has evolved through the years. I still like simple ones best.

Tess Kincaid said...

England is so full of wonderful ancient cathedrals. This one is magnificent. Stunning rainbow!!

Lisa said...

When I was in England with my sisters a couple of years ago, we visited York and the cathedral. Your pictures brought back sweet memories. Thank you. LOVE the flowers!

Paula said...

Those flower arrangements are all so different. I don't really like the modern one with the red, but all of the others are really neat.
What an awesome rainbow.

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

It sounds like it was a perfect day! Just found your blog off of Haven for Vee - and so glad we did. We can't wait to go back and read more of your posts!!
Karla & Karrie

Come Away With Me said...

Those are some unusual and creative flower arrangements and I am wondering if those were there for the harvest festival...I don't know anything about this festival but I've read here and there about it. Wondering this due to the vegetables I saw also arranged.

If you enlarge the next to last shot (on the road going around the corner) it's funny how those white X's in the road look like they are floating above the road because it looks like they have shadows! I guess they were repainted and the original ones were blacked over. They look like they are floating around the corner right along with the cars!

chemist said...

Greetings from Houston and thanks for your comment on my "Traveling Chemist" blog!! (Hence this return comment on your blog!) Enjoyed the many pictures ... the cathedral looks just like the one I saw in York (maybe that is the one you show?). I was in York way back in 2000 and visited the "Shambles" part of that town.

Keep up the great photography! When I travel for work, I always lug along a digital camera to capture those memories.

Anonymous said...

What stunning and unusual flower arrangements. I wish I was artistic like that but I'm of the "plonk and shuffle" brigade.

Ripon Cathedral looks so grand.

Linda said...

Gosh, don't clouds add drama to a sky?-especially when the sun is setting. I love to get out after a storm and get a look at what's going on up above.

Mike's Travels said...

Great shots Barbara. Glad I'm not the only one who takes 100's of photos on holiday lol!

Elizabeth said...

You certainly saw so much of interest on this trip.
You are very brave going into caves.....not my favorite.
Wonderful pictures of Ripon. Some of the flower arrangements were wonderful and artistic.
Thanks for taking me along for the ride in cyber space.
I would love to visit Yorkshire in real life some day.

Willow said...

Thank you for sharing the whole trip to Yorkshire with us. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. And I can come back and look at my favorites again and again!

TBM said...

Hello! I just found your blog (forgot whose link I clicked) and I'm so glad I did! I enjoyed your trip through Yorkshire, a place I would love to see one day soon. Now I am going to go back and enjoy your other posts :-)