Sunday 5 October 2008

Awards and More

I have a question I would like to ask fellow bloggers. Is anyone else having problems with Page Elements. Since early Spring I have not had an "Add a Page Element" button (except once) nor have I been able to scroll down page elements. Blogger help says it is because a person has added stuff manually instead of through page elements. I have never done this nor would I know how to. Does anyone have a solution? It is frustrating as I cannot add anything to my sidebar (I can only change what is already there through the little 'spanners' on the blog page.) Thanks.

While concentrating on my Yorkshire posts I have received this award 4 times so I feel it is time to recognise the kind bloggers that sent it to me. It came from Willow of Willow Manor, Barb of The French Elements, Christi of Charm and Grace Cottage and Melanie of Jelly Bean Angel. Thank you so much, I do not accept it lightly - I am grateful and so enjoy knowing that you are visiting and finding something you love here.

I want to pass it on to Amy. Amy is a new contact of mine who writes some varied and interesting posts and at the same time is able to share her faith in a most practical and inspiring way.

One of my hobbies that has been greatly neglected since blogging is card making. Instead of having a good stock I just about manage to make the ones I need. I recently motivated myself to make a few, seen here.

A tip for something tasty and very cheap - unless you don't like cabbage!
I visited a local farm shop last week where almost everything is locally sourced and much is grown right there on the farm. I like if possible to buy something that has just been picked. One of the things I bought was a large, firm and compact cabbage for 79 pence. Having used it as a vegetable accompaniment for 4 x 2 meals (yes I was getting tired of it by then) I decided to make my own version of Bubble & Squeak.
For the uninitiated bubble and squeak was something we had as children when using up left over cabbage and potatoes from the day before - it was fried the next day. My version is more interesting but did use up the last third of this enormous cabbage.
I chop and cook the cabbage, boil and cream the potatoes. I add to this caramelised onions and garlic and grated cheese. After putting the mixture into a pie dish I then sprinkle the top with grated cheese before heating it in a hot oven. There was enough for 2 plus 2 left over to freeze.


Patsy said...

Always looking for new ways to use cabbage. Sounds so good.

Tess Kincaid said...

This looks yummy! Why is it called blubble and squeak? This is completely new to me and the name sounds so funny! It looks and sounds dee-lish, though. I love cabbage and potatoes.

You are very welcome...I do love your blog.

Elizabethd said...

That sounds like a good way to use up cabbage, they do seem to go on and on dont they!
Your cards are very attractive, I guess they are your own original designs? I love the snowflake one.

Anonymous said...

Lovely recipe Barbara. It's been a good year for apples so I added some to caramelised onion with a pinch of clove. the smell was lovely as they fried together and served with a pork chop, veg and potato. All cheap and nutritous recipes welcome in this house.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Barbara! That’s the first award I’ve ever gotten on my blog. What an honor!

Blessings to you and yours.

Linda said...

Your new layout looks good Barbara. I had trouble with page elements for a long time, but it did sort itself out. Are you still having this trouble with the new blog? I might suggest removing all the widgets (I know that is a lot of work) and it might remove whatever is causing the problem.

Needled Mom said...

Congratulations on a well deserved award.

We had bubble and squeak when we lived in England. Your version looks delicious.

Bet you are glad to be home again. The entire trip looked and sounded wonderful. Now it is time to catch up on everything.

Those were quite the flower displays. I found the twigs and roots very interesting.

Your cards are beautiful! You do a lovely job on them.

Linda said...

That looks really good. I love cabbage. Always looking for a new recipe.

a woman who is said...

Glad your having a chance to get creative in the cooking and crafting area. Bubble and Squeak...that is a new recipe for me too. You must explain this to us Yanks... ? Sounds yummy though.

TBM said...

If you were trying today (Monday, UK time), I was having trouble adding something to an existing page element. But I tried again a little later and it was fine.

The bubble and squeak sounds yummy! I shall try your recipe next weekend :-)

Elizabeth said...

I had quite forgotten about bubble and squeak. Now I want it in the worst way - the onions sound like an excellent addition.
You would have loved the Children's War exhibition at the Imperial War Museum. It really brought back England of long ago.
As regards Blogger problems I'm afraid I'm not the one to ask.
All best wishes

Elizabeth said...

Forgot to say your cards are super.
Got to start thinking about mine for this Christmas...

Judy said...

Bubble & squeak is new to me...but I love cabbage...and it sounds yummy!

Baby showers aren't done in the UK? That's interesting.

Mike's Travels said...

I have sometimes had the problem of not being able to scroll down the page but it comes and goes. A drastic measure would be to choose another template but that would be a lot of work. Hope you sort it Barbara.

Barb said...

Hi Barbara,

Thank you for stopping by. Please continue to pray for my son. We appreciate it sooo much.

I have made bubble and squeak-with wow wow sauce. One of my favorite cookbooks (I've had it for ages)is
Great British Cooking: A well-kept Secret by Jane Garmey. It is a small world-hehe.

Your cards are lovely.


Paula said...

I haven't had any problems with page elements, but they have changed the name to "Gadgets" now.
The cards you made are fantastic. I used to make all my cards before we had little ones. I still have saved boxes and boxes of rubber stamps. Next time I come across them in the basement, I'll send you a few!

Willow said...

I haven't had any trouble with page elements. I have changed some but not added any to my side bar. Did your son in law add anything?

I was thinking about your knitting project the other day--the monthly projects. How are you coming along with that? The cards are lovely! You are one talented lady!

nanatrish said...

I love this post. Your cards are so pretty. You are very talented. Also the food looks yummy. I am having blog issues too. Maybe I will try reducing some of my side bar deals and then I can change my template. You may have helped me tons. Thanks.

Betty said...

I can certainly attest to your beautiful card making as I was the lucky recipient of your card give away.....absolutely gorgeous....

I have a small English cookbook with the Bubble and Squeak recipe....I think I'll try it.

I've had a problem also trying to add a page for an award.....

I haven't been by lately...we were away a few days....Betty

Anonymous said...

Nice idea. Sounds much better than the traditional version - must try it sometime.
Like the new layout.

Come Away With Me said...

Oh, I know I'd love that dish....

The first time I learned about "bubble and squeak" was watching the TV cooking show by "The Two Fat Ladies." I miss them! They made this dish once, on the stove top, with (of course) lots of butter. Yummy.

Lavinia said...

I've never had bubble and squeak. Yours looks and sounds absolutely delicious and savoury good.